Homemaking Week in the Life | Cook With Me + Home Renovation Update | Getting It All Done

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Homemaking Week in the Life | Cook With Me + Home Renovation Update | Getting It All Done * Join me for my Week in the Life of …

29 replies
  1. Carolyn S
    Carolyn S says:

    I’m looking so forward to trying your pork chop recipe! It looks delicious! And, so glad to see you’re feeling much better. It’s also such a joy to see Austin having so much fun!

  2. The BeeHive
    The BeeHive says:

    I am glad you are feeling better,Robin. I love watching your new house become your home. I think Austin's spinning tail is the cutest as he is so excited to be with you and help! Thank you for sharing the recipes. I will make the soup tomorrow.
    Remedial question: What containers are your favorite to use when you freeze soup? ( the glass jars in the video?) Thank you.

  3. Linda Wilson
    Linda Wilson says:

    Hello, Robin, That creamy pork chop recipe looks amazing! I plan to buy the ingredients within the next few days and make it later in the week. ~ After having worked in the "new house" for several hours – or days! – at a time, do you ever go back home and just cry, from frustration or fatigue?

  4. Jennifer Cruz
    Jennifer Cruz says:

    I'm so glad you're better, Robin. I finally got a instapot but have not used it yet. Do you have a playlist or past videos with recipes that you have used an instapot for? It seems so intimidating to use but all I hear from people is how easy it is to use lol I can't wait to see what you do with that extra living space on your property. We're in the middle of remodeling our living room and I'm so overwhelmed with the chaos but I know it will look so much better than before and much more energy efficient. ❤️

  5. Alice Fjeldal
    Alice Fjeldal says:

    Happy to hear you are feeling better and thanks for the new menu ideas as well as your report on the progress at your new home. Question: Does Austin’s tail EVER stop wagging?!?! 😄🥰

  6. Life as Mrs. Cooks
    Life as Mrs. Cooks says:

    Glad you are feeling better! I just placed our family’s Butcher Box order. Thank you for this idea. We are a busy homeschooling family that also runs a small business, so this will definitely help me out during this season of our life.

  7. Jean Woodall
    Jean Woodall says:

    I'm happy you are feeling better. Great progress. I got a job in the online grocery department at Walmart. Today will be my sixth day on the job. The hardest task is lifting the heavier totes especially since my hand and arm strength is diminished from the breast reduction I had in 2015. I don't have space to swing my kettlebells here that's in range of a tv. I'm a follow along type when it comes to exercise. I suck at the timing otherwise.

  8. Barbara 1471
    Barbara 1471 says:

    I am glad you are feeling much better Robin. This has been such a lovely video – your new home is really starting to look great – super effort by all.
    Keep well Robin and looking forward already to next weeks video.🤗🙋‍♀️

  9. Lisa Remy
    Lisa Remy says:

    Hi Robin…., so glad you are feeling better. Love the recipes and the update on your home renovation. I recently subscribed to Butcher box and am loving it. The meat is amazing quality. ❤️

  10. Kecia Starks
    Kecia Starks says:

    We recently starting using BUTCHER BOX and are so pleased with them. Such good quality meats and convenience. It is reassuring to have good meats during this time of never knowing what you you may or may not find in the grocery stores. Everything looked delicious. House coming a long nicely as well.


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