Homemade Tomato Soup with Sarah Carey at Home

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Watch as Sarah Carey creates a classic tomato soup recipe using ingredients she’s stocked in her pantry at home. Subscribe for more easy and delicious …

22 replies
  1. Christina Francis S.
    Christina Francis S. says:

    This video of sarah actually makes me realize how much i have grown because of her. I've been following everyday food by sarah carey series since 7 years ago. Can you imagine 7 full years of watching her. I was just a 12 years old girl who loves to cook (and of course, to eat hahaha) when i first watched her. And of course my mom is not enjoying her kitchen becoming a disaster since i tried lot of lots of her recipes. But she inspired me so much, and watching her since then makes me realize my passion. Now i'm in my 3rd year on my culinary institute, and i'm getting closer to graduation. Can you imagine starting from a 12 years old girl now i'm already on my last semester on university. But anyway, Sarah, if you're reading this, i wanted to tell you how grateful i am for everything you've shared. Thankyou for always throwing love when ever you're cooking. I would be a totally different person if i didn't get the chance to watch your videos back then. You're such a big inspiration. And of course i'm not crying while I'm typing this out (-yes, i did). I love you, Sarah. You're more than a wonderful person. I don't know how many times should i thank you. I'm utterly grateful.
    A fan of 7 years from Indonesia💕

  2. todd
    todd says:

    I made this recipe today, and while it is tasty, it has a bit of mucousy mouth feel. I don't know how I will fix it. Maybe add some thick cream or even some sour cream. I think the reason for the mouth feel issue is that in this recipe the flour is thickening what is essentially water, while in a typical sauce you would use flour to thicken a dairy product.

  3. dodge10P1N
    dodge10P1N says:

    What about a segment of ‘At Home with Sarah’. Seriously this was so cool because its not a big fancy chef in a big fancy kitchen that most of us dont have. (Not that youre not a big fancy chef or we dont like the other videos!) Thanks for explaining a few other options for a recipe because sometimes we like to just make do or use up what we have. 👍🏻


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