Homemade Lentil Soup Recipe

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This delicious Lentil soup recipe is jam-packed with spices and caramelized vegetables to bring about an incredibly flavorful soup …

35 replies
  1. A vrai dire
    A vrai dire says:

    I’m amazed to hear that the majority of Americans still consume canned soups and think this is a new recipe. My grandmother made this exact same lentil soup over 45 years ago and it was just one of the many dishes that I learned to cook as a child. Cooking is a skill which should be absolutely taught at home. Thanks grandma,

  2. Sofia Lico
    Sofia Lico says:

    Billy I want to thank you for creating simple recipes and ever since I’ve been watching your channel I’ve been trying several can’t stop cooking. I’ve tried this recipe and the lasagna and I use to buy my lunch now thanks to you I’ve saved a ton of money. Keep it coming cause I’ve tried other sites boy oh boy nothing compares to your simple quality recipes. Very happpy thank you again.

  3. JFP017
    JFP017 says:

    Bonjour Chef Parisi, thank you for this superb recipe. Having gone through many recipe videos, I easily award you top grades for your commendable skills to communicate. I should know: now retired, I've trained communications students for over 40 years. You would have passed my tough courses with flying colours. Congratulations Chef!

  4. nyehla irsheid
    nyehla irsheid says:

    Hands down THE most flavorful lentil soup I’ve ever prepared. I am a doula and I prepare this for most of my clients and THEY LOVE IT! I always eat 1-2 servings then store the rest in 32 oz mason jars for later. God bless this recipe. Follow the recipe!

  5. nyehla irsheid
    nyehla irsheid says:

    I am a postpartum doula and often I bring soups for my clients during my shifts. I recently began sharing this lentil soup with my vegan clients and they LOVE it. Packed with protein, flavor, and nutrients. Thanks so much for sharing this yummy recipe!

  6. SoulStitch 11:11
    SoulStitch 11:11 says:

    It's always disheartening to see these wonderful recipes and the first ingredient is onions. I'm highly allergic, can't even breathe around raw onions. I tried leeks but still became ill. Can't do green onions, scallions, et al. Garlic, I have no issues with, and I absolutely love garlic. Do you have any suggestions for alternatives? Thank you. Allergies to onions is actually more common than people realize. Onion powder effects me as well. Makes dining a bit difficult. Thank you.

  7. H Pn
    H Pn says:

    I'm a Greek Chicagoan who had faki (lentil soup at least twice a week while growing up there).
    Hated it.
    This recipe is wonderful.
    I threw out my mom's recipe.


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