Homemade Bialys on the Clementi Wood-Fired Oven

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Chef Britt stokes the Clementi Wood-Fired Oven to show you one of her favorite breads of all time: Bialys! This humble roll is filled with a simple caramelized …

29 replies
  1. Ray Dalu
    Ray Dalu says:

    Hey, not a hater, i usually enjoy all your videos, but i feel like this one was pointless, it's just bread with onion inside of it, i dont see anything special

  2. DentargPL
    DentargPL says:

    Looks like this is some kind of Jewish secret. I'm Polish and never heard of this. It reminds a bit Polish Cebularz, but it's different in texture and way it's filled with onion. I want my cebularz now, but the place I live now do not got them :(. They are amazing buttered.

  3. Timothy O'Connor
    Timothy O'Connor says:

    Miss Britt. I hope everything is ok ?. I noticed that you are not wearing the rings that you normally wear. And the comment about crying about something else got me thinking. I love seeing you on this channel I hope you will continue with ATBBQ. Miss Britt, you bring a great another side of this channel that just works so well. Keep up the great work Miss Britt. I for one really dig your segments. Best wishes :)P

  4. Danson G. Tolman
    Danson G. Tolman says:

    We are getting a bit sophisticated in both the recipe and equipment for bbq. This is getting complicated and very time consuming. 24 hrs in the fridge, 4 hrs sitting the dough, I dont know.

  5. Jaime Hyatt
    Jaime Hyatt says:

    That looks delicious. I grew up in NYC and there was a place on the lower east side, they made these. I remember them hot and fresh. They were a community bakery, there was no fame or trend to it, just delicious food prepared in a traditional way. I can’t wait to try these.


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