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This old-fashioned remedy for clearing up sinus, nasal and chest congestion works wonders. Never miss a new video! Sign up to our email list here: …

34 replies
  1. Calchick7
    Calchick7 says:

    we also drink vinegar, honey and cayenne with a little water when we have cold works great. Thanks – what is that in the jar on the right behind you that looks like color of beets?

  2. Allison Malacaria
    Allison Malacaria says:

    I throw a bit of eucalyptus leaf in the bowl and steam with that. The ACV is too acidic on my throat and nasal passages because I have something called "silent reflux" which now and then leaves stomach acid in my throat. And if anything acid gets in there, it activates the pepsin which eats away at the soft tissue. So I have to put only alkaline foods down there (not alkalizing, that's different). Anyone with LPR should not use an acidic steam. Everyone else can though.

  3. fiona fiona
    fiona fiona says:

    My mom used to add salt, even tho thats not evaporating.

    Having that very moist air consenaste in the nose liquidifies snot and is very reliving but only treats the syptoms.

    DEE MILLER says:

    Thank you! I love all this “wonderful stuff” you are so patiently and generously sharing with us. I have often prayed to find a way to learn what my grandma would’ve taught me if we had had the time . . .

  5. Anna Vajda
    Anna Vajda says:

    I like this. People are willing to use an expensive humidifier with brand name vicks inserts in a babies room if their child has a cold so why not reference the original source of the ideas and use readily available materials?

  6. Christina Elliott
    Christina Elliott says:

    Thanks for the nasel congestion remedy. And a big thank you for the 7 Steps to Herbal Remedies livestream this morning. I sent an email to you and Josh, as I was one of the WINNERS of your valuable Herbal Class. Just in case you didn't get my email, I thought I'd mention it here. Christina Elliott

  7. Langy D
    Langy D says:

    1/2 cup Apple cider vinegar, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp cyanne powder, optional gives it a kick, 2 cups boiled water, make a tent over the bowl with a towel and put your head over the bowl, then breathe normally for 15 minutes

  8. Sussie Rodgers
    Sussie Rodgers says:

    Just the video I needed, I was so afraid yesterday that the virus had hit me. I was so scared but it also mocks alot of symptoms of sinus infections. My fever never got beyond 99.7. I am going to give this a try asap. Thanks so much for all you do on u tube for us to learn. Bless you! (We can't be tested unless fever is 100+ and other symptoms… just stay put like I have been doing, just wanted to note this before I got ugly comments).


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