HOLIDAY Food Prep With Me | Freezer Prep Ideas | Simply Mamá Cooks

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Today I am going to go grocery shopping for a day of holiday food freezer prep. This is something I do to prepare for a day of holiday cooking and baking.

36 replies
  1. Linda Fox
    Linda Fox says:

    I dice up my onions, celery, and peel potatoes and carrots the day before. I even make broth the day before. Also prepare cornbread to put in my dressing. Lots of things you can do the day before. Happy Thanksgiving 🍽.

  2. Micky Jackson
    Micky Jackson says:

    I like your videos but I had to unsubscribe because youtube is so stupid if you subscribe to someone's page or hit the like button they load your page with videos keep up the good work though.

  3. Berh Baer
    Berh Baer says:

    I agree 100%witg you about sage. For me, sage is THE taste and smell of Thanksgiving. I am interested in how you prep your bread cubes. Thank you for another wonderful video!

  4. Kim M
    Kim M says:

    Hi Mama! I'm buying your cook books for my family members for Christmas this year, they're young and just starting their own families, your cook book is perfect thank you after my grandma past away all her recipes went with her, I'm constantly using your videos for myself and for them thank you!!

  5. A.
    A. says:

    Does anyone have a link to that type of fine mesh strainer?
    Mine never catches the brown bits from the stock & therefore I never get a clear broth! It's so annoying.

  6. Aliss Diaz
    Aliss Diaz says:

    Funny I was just sharing with my teen daughter where your old channel name came from and how humble you are and you are talking about being trolled yet you are able to ignore that and share how taste is personal. You can’t make someone have the same taste buds and preferences and those that expect you too are a little uppity, naive.
    I love how you used the butter wrapper to coat the casserole. I’m Armenian and I learned to do that from my mom, grandma. Also I do that to smooth out rice crispie treats on the sheet pan, which reminds me I haven’t made that in years.
    Thanks for all your tips and tricks, it’s so appreciated 💖🙏🥰

  7. K C
    K C says:

    Very interesting. I hope we get to see how these prepped items are used. It seems very helpful to do all this in advance. I hate feeling so rushed during the holidays.

  8. Juno Monroe
    Juno Monroe says:

    The situation is my freezer too. My dream freezer is an upright freezer like a fridge. That way I can organize it by section and would be able to see what is in there. Nothing would be buried under a bunch of other stuff.
    I have a big Crest freezer and I have to hang over the edge of that beast to get what's at the bottom. I'm 5'4" and titter on my hips with my head facimg the bottom to get stuff out of that beast. 😉😄
    I send my husband out to get stuff out of it cause one day they will come home and find me in the freezer one day cause I fell in! 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Diana Silva
    Diana Silva says:

    Hi Angelica, love your videos!❤️ I have a question. Do you use your egg foo Yung gravy for other dishes? I was wanting to try it with your scrambled egg in the broth. What do you think? 😬

  10. Alicia Daigle
    Alicia Daigle says:

    So I've never tried to freeze the cornbread. Do you let it come to room temp again and let it dry out before using it??? Or out of the freezer and start mixing in your dressing ingredients?

  11. laura duran
    laura duran says:

    I loved this style of video! It's soothing to watch. Also I've never understood why people are rude about some one else's food….not like their invited 😜 anyway I love seeing the differences in different families, sometimes it inspires us to try something new. If not a recipe then a method of preparing. I'll take all the help I can get!

  12. Bonnie Busch
    Bonnie Busch says:

    So many great ideas. I always feel so stressed during the holidays when I have to make the food. It really takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it because I am in the kitchen for 10 hours that day. I am definitely going to do this. Thank you!


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