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37 replies
  1. Ana Herrera
    Ana Herrera says:

    Thanks for sharing your story Rem! I myself overcame addiction from meth & marijuana. I was only 16 when I was introduced to meth & about 13-14 when I started smoking weed. I forsure thought I was going to be a pothead for the rest of my life because I loved it & I'll be honest, I still love the smell of it. I got clean after I started feeling super unhealthy from all the crap I was pumping into by body. Then came the weight gain which lead me to my fitness journey. After a few years of struggling with weight & still smoking cigarettes. I wanted to lose weight & completely change how I was feeling about myself. I became a runner then started dabbling in weightlifting which I fell in love with. I have been completely clean for about 10 years now & feel my best at almost 40. My journey has not been easy & I still have my days but I have come a long way & too far to go back. I remember when I found your channel years ago when I was looking for "carb cycling" ideas & haven been a supporter of your channel ever since. I appreciate you sharing your story. I think it's great to share our stories because we inspire more people than when realize. May God bless you! 🙏🏽🤓💙

    PS I'm an addict to the gym as well!

  2. Carrie Ngugi
    Carrie Ngugi says:

    Not to knock your story of addiction and no judging here so please take this with a grain of salt. I mean this in the kindest way. No harm by this.

    First off I'm glad you overcame the drug addiction and video game addictions and replaced them with healthier ones. That is certainly by far on the right track. However the pattern remains the same with all of those addictions. Going from one addiction to another and to another. You are not truly breaking the chains and cycle of addiction. The healthy lifestyle you are now living is certainly a step in the right direction but ultimately overall the chains and cycle of addiction need to be broken so that it doesn't resurface again later on to yet something else.

    Typically in most cases where trauma and drug use or food abuse or even being addicted to work are concerned it goes back to a root cause of trying to control that trauma and trying to fill a void deep within us that can only be filled by Christ alone. I know this because I speak from both my personal experiences and that of my sons and countless people I know who were once under the bondage of addiction that were completely set free of all addictions because of finding themselves in Jesus Christ.

    It's not my style to get preachy here so im not going to delve too deep, but until you fully surrender your life to Christ, the addictions (whether healthy or not) will still be there. Also getting in some good counseling helps with the issue too.

    I hit my rock bottom and sought counseling. My vice was food and pornography. It wasn't until I got counseling that I realized I was using those addictions to control trauma from my early childhood, but through that I had my come to Jesus moment and surrendered to Him. I can honestly say 7 years ago when I hit my knees in prayer and looked up to Him, was the first time I had true joy and peace over everything. To this day my addictions no longer plague me like they once did.

    It is my hope and prayer that you will truly deal with the root cause so you can finally break those chains. Until then, may God continue to guide you in your healthy lifestyle. 🙏❤

  3. skinny4070
    skinny4070 says:

    Im happy for you Rem. You’re a good Bro. I first met you at the gym when i was going through a rough patch. You and Ankrom were just yourselves, good dudes and friendly. Really helped me get focuses on what matters. Sometimes you just need some good homies. Thanks for being good people. Im proud of what you two have accomplished. Stay Gucci. 👊

  4. Nicholas Pupek
    Nicholas Pupek says:

    Mad respect Rem! I had a 9 yr horrible opiate addiction. The gym and my awesome wife saved me! My parents gave up on helping, I gave up! I just learned to love myself and fight to live! Thank you for putting your story out there, it's a reminder of how far we have all come, and that the best is yet to come! Grind on!

  5. Jeremiah Edmonds
    Jeremiah Edmonds says:

    I was in Cleveland , and I can definitely say he is right . I remember the days of grabbing blues & then they became fettie . I almost lost my life , but that didn’t stop me . It’s the point of no return , and the only way to get out is to hit rock bottom

  6. Kaycee Frost
    Kaycee Frost says:

    Thanks Rem! I am 51 and 12 years completely sober! When I got so er I put on a bunch of weight. Been on a fitness journey for a long time now. Your cookbook has given me a great start and since starting I have lost 34lbs! What?!?!?!!

  7. Siggy Rides
    Siggy Rides says:

    Keep in mind jumping from addiction to addiction is not always the best. Rip Scott Murray. Body dysmorphia and over training like Scott can be just as bad as drugs. But I agree the gym is a healthier addiction.

  8. Gordon Perkins
    Gordon Perkins says:

    Bro You n me arent very different at all exact same was happening to me but with some clear ands obvious twists , but same type of drugs opiates , girl left me got worse and now im gym crazy bruh , stay strong dude fuck yeah

  9. Nanuk Edits
    Nanuk Edits says:

    Massive respect dude… What a legend! You being positive after all you've been through is more than enough, and yet, you went the extra mile. Now you have a story to share with more than half a million people, some who experienced the same in some way. Stay awesome dude, God bless!

  10. Lou 26
    Lou 26 says:

    Thank you for sharing

    Your background is kinda boring – you should mix it up and take us around with you everywhere, show us where u live and where you hang out etc

  11. Emo Ray Torres
    Emo Ray Torres says:

    Much respect bro ✊🏽 thanks for sharing this story man this really helped me and my girlfriend today we both enjoyed this video, we had to deal with our own addictions as well, self improvement is the movement 💪🏽

  12. Keith Brown
    Keith Brown says:

    Hey rem. Your story apart from the drugs and partying is basically me. I was an angry kid. Played sports, but never felt popular. I’m a more introverted personality so video games was my outlet for fun. I loved SWTOR which is one of the reason I eventually got a gaming pc, I play apex now. But regardless. I was active as a kid so I wasn’t fat until I’m broke both my arms at 11 years old. From there my activity level dropped to the floor. Diet and so forth remained the same so I got fat. Fast forward to post high school. I got into dipping and following that vaping. I still vape. But I got into a relationship that shattered me. The final month of my relationship I had 5 panic attacks, and we broke up, I was I believe 20 or 21 at that point. From there I struggled with anxiety. I feel like my introvert personality saved me from the partying and potential of drugs as a crutch which could have gapped. Because I had one friends outside of work friends and he is basically my brother now with how close we are. So my life was go to work come home and play video games. But I had to find a way to be happy with myself and my best friend invited me to the gym like probably a year ago now. Which started my workout routine. However my diet didn’t change. I added protein drinks and such but I wasn’t counting macros or anything. So I started gaining muscle but wasn’t losing the fat. Then a buddy of mine from work told me I needed to try the anabolic diet so I started researching and found your Channel. From my peak which was like 225 pounds I’m down to 207. I have a long way to go, but I’m finally happy with myself. So thanks for the content and all the recipes. They have been kryptonite for me because I have a massive sweet tooth. The desserts are fire and kill cravings.


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