High protein vegan breakfasts » FREE printable guide 💪

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36 replies
  1. Shreya Teresita
    Shreya Teresita says:

    Oh, Kala namak! I swear I thought she was talking about some exotic spice I'd never find in India 🤣

    Amazing recipes, btw. Tried all of them except for the quiche and they've become my staple breakfast. ❤️

  2. Ramya Nandakumar
    Ramya Nandakumar says:

    I have been following only for about a year now. I am amazed at how much information you share in each of your video. Also your positive vibe which just takes the whole thing to another level. I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you do.

  3. Elizabeth
    Elizabeth says:

    I just made this quiche and it's freaking DELICIOUS!!! It's not the real thing, I'm pretty obsessed with egg quiche, but it's super tasty and creamy!

    Sidenote: you can easily drain the tofu but cutting it out of the pack and letting it drain over night. 🤌

  4. Roxina Gamborena
    Roxina Gamborena says:

    I made today the quish; I loved it! And my husband, not really into plant-based loved it too! Next time I will put more tomatoes; this addition is truly genius…the flavor that you experience when you bite on them is….really good!

  5. M L
    M L says:

    Hi Sadia, I always love your videos, But most of the time I don't have easy access to "vegan" ingredients, nor am I vegan. We are trying to be healthier and eat more "plant-based" at home, but I find some recipes to be for "vegans only". Could you offer some non-vegan alternatives for the rest of us? Thank you so much for this spectacular place you have created and shared with us.

  6. Annabelle Valderhaug-Eriksen
    Annabelle Valderhaug-Eriksen says:

    wait you probably won’t see this, but if you do can you please tell me why there’s sand in our vegetables sometimes?! i feel like i’ve noticed that once or twice when i haven’t managed to wash the veggies thoroughly enough or my husband isn’t around to help me (i’m disabled!) wash them before i prep/cook, but i’ve never actually known what’s going on there and i’m so curious?!

  7. deepti yadav
    deepti yadav says:

    So….love from India. Love your channel but i have to say, half of these ingredients are fancy that we can't find / afford in India. That's a little bit of bummer but I love watching you cook all of this

  8. Olga Candelaria
    Olga Candelaria says:

    I love your videos. The food looks amazing. But I wonder if you have a video explaining the many ingredients vegetarians use. Like what is nutritional yeast? Where it comes from. Vegetarians use many ingredients that seem so processed. How do you know if your tofu is not from made from chemically modified soy? Will love to learn more.

  9. Manel Gamaeathige
    Manel Gamaeathige says:

    Thanks, I like to try the quiche you made. Easy and ingredients freely available where I live, I had gone through most of your recipies. They are awesome. Also I like to try breakfast oats recipies and colourful teas. Thanks again.


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