HIGH PROTEIN SANDWICHES | Muscle Building Recipes and Ingredients

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MORE RECIPES! In today’s video I go over some of my favorite sandwich recipes to help me build muscle. They are high protein …

37 replies
  1. DavJern
    DavJern says:

    I’m sure that was a butter knife she was licking if not she just cut her tongue and now has a lisp so her bark will be more of a “RUTH RUTH” hahahaha

  2. Jacky Wacky
    Jacky Wacky says:

    This video reminds me of the time when I was learning how to cook. I had just bought the diet plan (created it from Next Level Diet) at the age of 26 and started preparing my own meals from the food I got in the plan. I was so motivated back then. I broke my barriers when it comes to amount of food I can eat in a day, resulting in noticeable gains for a newbie. I recommend everyone to take care of their diet first, the rest will come naturally.

  3. Monica Duarte
    Monica Duarte says:

    First off you look great!! Second you had me choking on my water intake today I’m trying to do 72 ounces of water when you said not to look at the doggie cause she was naked and didn’t have a collar on🤪!!! So funny!!! Love the doggy🐾. I also like the easy to follow the recipes and like how you change it up and shoot in many different areas of the kitchen and not the same old table!! As a dog lover it’s nice to hear your cardio was a nice long walk or a swim with Maisey.
    Could you do a video on water intake?? Hydration how much you consume or how much your body weight height should consume?? Going to try the sloppy jacks next week. Good info on use what you have at home!! No hamburger bread NO PROBLEM!!! 👍🏻💪🏼

  4. Meredith Malloy
    Meredith Malloy says:

    Hi Jack, I loved the recipes especially the Sloppy Jack sandwich and thank you for the tips on how to make the sandwiches lower calorie if you need to. And I loved seeing Maisey she is definitely the best sous chef. I am glad to hear she enjoyed her walks and swimming : ) <3

  5. Julia M
    Julia M says:

    You are freaking awesome. My boyfriend and I love the cheeseburger dipper recipe you did. I'm so excited to try these sandwiches. Thank you for your content.

  6. HKsocko
    HKsocko says:

    Great minds think alike. I had sloppy joes the other week and and so good. I used the 647 buns. I've been eating a breakfast sandwich almost everyday for months now. It's so easy to make. I use a pan that makes my egg whites like small patties and meal prep everything so it's so easy to assemble.


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