High Fat Carnivore Cloud Bread | An 80/20 Twist on an Old Favorite Low Carb Staple!

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High Fat Carnivore Cloud Bread | An 80/20 Twist on an Old Favorite Low Carb Staple! Thankyou to to LMNT for sponsoring this …

33 replies
  1. Low Carb Spin
    Low Carb Spin says:

    Anita We just love all the holiday colors in your kitchen. So festive! We’re definitely on board with using those buns for an fried egg sandwich. We have to try the bacon fat idea. Yum! Thanks for the mention💕Karen and Therese

  2. 94agoodyear
    94agoodyear says:

    I noticed you use the low (not middle) rack in the oven. Is this because it results in more even cooking? I always the middle rack for everything and it never occurred to me the lower might be better for some things.

  3. PamIAm Canada
    PamIAm Canada says:

    I think it's very nice that you include measurements in ounces, cups, and tablespoons for our American friends. It would be great if you spoke in grams (weight) and ml (volume) for the rest of the world. Thank you, as always, for your videos.

  4. Critter 400
    Critter 400 says:

    I'm going to try this using goat cheese (the feta kind that comes in a "log"). As a person with food sensitivities including dairy, I find that goat dairy is easier on my tummy. I've subbed it in many other recipes that called for cream cheese. Sometimes, in savory cooking & baking, it lends a little "tang" that's quite enjoyable. I'll let you know how it goes!! Thanks Anita for all you do!!!!!

  5. Good News Keto
    Good News Keto says:

    I will give these a try! 😋 The reason to "introduce" the egg whites to the egg yolk mixture is to thin out the egg yolk mixture so it will blend more easily with the egg whites and not break them down as much. 😊

    God bless 🙌 ❤️💙💜 ~Lana

  6. JuJu GoKeto
    JuJu GoKeto says:

    You are amazing. Amazed that you have lost 130 pounds and you help so many people live this lifestyle AND – experiment with recipes. The more I do carnivore, the less I even care about food. Which is a blessing. Simple food is enough for me. Your recipes are inspiring for special occasions though!

  7. Mart Grigsby
    Mart Grigsby says:

    I didn’t like cloud bread until this recipe. Of course you have lessened the cream cheese, increased the eggs and added butter, bacon fat, and seasoning! Sound like a winner to me and I have all of these ingredients. Thank you Anita for once again giving me something I can eat and enjoy. Bread and butter! 🥰🥰

  8. Lynn Williams
    Lynn Williams says:

    I am going to do this . I did get the bun pan from Amazon . I have had your hamburger on my brain so I am trying it. I read through the comments and another writer was concerned about vitamins. You could add nutritive yeast for all the B complexes. High fat delivers all the fat soluble vitamins that are harder to absorb as we age. I am doing it with you but still doing my 72 hour Fast. I have done it since Dr Boz was on Redmonds

  9. Deb Fergeson
    Deb Fergeson says:

    Anita, thank you for all you do. I love your videos and recipes. I have a hand held grater. I put the grater barrel in the freezer, before grating my butter. I wonder if you did the same and grated the bacon first if would grate better.

  10. The Davises
    The Davises says:

    Little ears always listening 😂. So cute! The bread looks delicious. I made my first loaf the other day, and we all loved it, so next time around I'll have to try it like this. "Introducing" the mix is a very smart idea; I'll be doing that for sure.

  11. Annabella Redwood
    Annabella Redwood says:

    Anita they look so good. I'm not doing high fat as I have concerns about vitamin requirements being met. I try to listen to my body about what I should eat. I want to try this. I love a good egg sandwich. Thank you so much Anita. 💕
    PS you are so lovely and such a blessing to us!!

  12. Fronnie Bealer
    Fronnie Bealer says:

    Wendy from Loving it on Keto mixed frozen butter and frozen bacon drippings on one of her videos. It worked very well by the looks of the results. Your recipe looks so uncomplicated that I can make them without all the powders and things others use. Yay!


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