High Fat Beef Crunchies From @nicolaskitchen_net ! | Crispy Beef Suet Snack for High Fat Carnivore

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High Fat Beef Crunchies From @nicolaskitchen_net | Crispy Beef Suet Snack for High Fat Carnivore Check out …

30 replies
  1. Kristin J
    Kristin J says:

    Hi, I can not find beef suet at any of my grocery stores and don't have a butcher near.

    Any recommendations for what stores would sell it?

    I have a Walmart, Food Lion and Kroegers.

  2. Janine Plamondon
    Janine Plamondon says:

    These look soooo yummy!!!
    I also really want to make the carnivore meat chips, but I am struggling to find how many days they last before going bad! I have watched a ton of videos for several different content creators here on YT and I haven’t heard of a definitive time frame. 3 days? 5 days? An entire week? Can you please help me with that information Anita? Thank you again for all that you do!

  3. Stacey Sims
    Stacey Sims says:

    I'm definitely going to try!! Also I picked up my copy of woman's world today, and I love it. You are definitely spotlight worthy!! I am so proud to say I follow you ❤️

  4. S B
    S B says:

    Hi, I just came across your channel and saw this recipe. I’m new to high fat carnivore as my age doesn’t seem to do well on traditional, ie; gain instead of lose. My question is this considered mid day snack, if so how many ounces are in each of those packets? I tried to calculate and came up with around 4? 🫤 This is where
    I’m struggling. Trying to calculate “high-fat” carnivore is a little confusing, there seems to be a little more variability depending on your situation. If I eat anything less than a 1/4 to .5 pound of burger for my dinner and a .5 pound of bacon +2 eggs for breakfast, I feel like I need a snack by 10 PM. I might be over eating already, but then to pour on extra fat is me pushing my self to say the least. BTW I am 68 yr old, not obese, but overweight, I’m doing this for sugar and carb control and improved health as much as anything. Thanks for your help.😊

  5. D Bolt
    D Bolt says:

    HI THERE i have cut back on keto and still have my meat i enjoyed this TRULOCOL MEAT eggs are getting very expensive and butter is getting worse on a fixed income must be careful

  6. Ap Ac
    Ap Ac says:

    I love the air fried beef fat with the Redmond's. It's addictively delicious. Something I find hilarious because I have hated the taste and smell of animal fat all my life. It's still hit and miss for me on steam if not seared very well. Those look similar to my favorite meal. Except I'm lazy and everything is in bite sized chunks. Which I love because it equals lots of crunch.

    Since you save your tallow also, you might enjoy this trick. Pour it into the very small ice cube trays and freeze it. Dump them in a bag and store in the freezer. Then when cooking leaner cuts of meat in the air fryer you can just lay however many you want on top. The tallow melts and oils the steak, giving the delicious sear. Obviously can use them in countless other ways, too. I do this mostly because I don't enjoy doing dishes, so one less knife or spoon is a win in my book. 😆

    Another tasty video. Thank you! 🦋


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