High Demand & Low Competition, This is the BEST Opportunity Right Now!

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Alura for Etsy https://bit.ly/GetAlura [FREE] Print on Demand Training http://bit.ly/PODMiniCourse Ryan’s Method: Print …

15 replies
  1. O
    O says:

    Most keywords has high competition for some1 with zero listings like me and it suggests few keywords also hard to combine it with other words with high search volume low competition really hard to find multiples keywords that are relevant and have low competition

  2. Simplicit Designs
    Simplicit Designs says:

    Click bait garbage. "They gave me a really nice discount code, link in my description". It would be nice if just once a Youtuber was straight forward instead of this stupid fluffy bullshit, "oh I'm helping you". Nah, this whole video is to get more affiliate link clicks so you get paid. Get real.

  3. TED
    TED says:

    People are weird. I can't picture any need for a Thanksgiving menu and yet it's in demand. (Thanks Ryan for letting us know!) Have any of you ever had or needed a menu for Thanksgiving at your house or at the house of relatives or friends? 🤔
    Thanksgiving menu:
    1. Turkey and dressing
    2. Your family's traditional sides (mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, etc. etc.)
    3. You family's traditional desserts (Pumpkin pie, etc. etc.)

  4. Fasih Ahmad
    Fasih Ahmad says:

    Hi Ryan, unrelated query: What is the highest bid you recommend for in a low ball auto ads campaign (that still ensures profiting or close to break even)? I'm not getting any clicks even with $0.09 bid. Thanks!


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