HELP! My Instant Pot had a BURN Notice!

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Have you been paralyzed by fear that you may get a burn notice when using your Instant Pot? Or maybe a recipe you made once turned out perfectly and the …

5 replies
  1. Pete_ Hine_Of_PA
    Pete_ Hine_Of_PA says:

    Great comments.. I love my IP been using it for years now.. Never got a burn or hot notice, but there is a first time for everything. So for me this was a great refresher course……. Nice video & thanks….

  2. Clarence Dold
    Clarence Dold says:

    You mention the difference between 6qt and 8qt often, and in this video.
    Other sites do not.
    When I think of something I want to cook, I always do a Google Search for AMindFullMom something, so your recipes appear first.
    If you don't have it, I look on other sites.
    My first burn notice was with pasta and spaghetti sauce, and 1 cup of water, in my 8qt instant pot.
    There was no reminder to deglaze after saute, like you always put.
    There was also no warning not to stir in the pasta. Another recipe mentioned just submerging the pasta, not stirring it all the way in.
    On my third try of this recipe, which was very popular at my house, I went for two additional cups of water after the burn notice, and it was fine, and not too thin at the end, which worried me, if I had added too much water.
    I think I should have 2-1/2 cups of water for this recipe, instead of one.
    Other commenters reported burn also, and some mentioned that they had 8qt pots.

    I enjoy your presentation style. Your hands are moving, but aren't flailing, they actually accentuate the topic at that time.

    Thank you for your recipes, advice videos like this one, and emails.

  3. David Stidham
    David Stidham says:

    A suggestion for cleaning the pot liner, instead of steel wool is Barkeepers Friend. I have been using this product on my stainless steel cookware for years, and always returns the surface to a great shiny finish. Also, I tend to place my thin liquid into the pot liner and place the IP into saute mode while I continue to prep the rest of my ingredients. This allows the liquid to get some temperature, and shorten the time to pressure – I don't bring the liquid to a boil, just get it warmer than room temperature. If you try this, take care not to scald/burn yourself as you add your additional ingredients.


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