Hearty Lentil Spaghetti Bolognese (Vegan)

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A delicious family favourite with a lentil twist. It’s hearty, wholesome and filling. This lentil spaghetti bolognese is a great addition to your weekly meal rotation.

22 replies
  1. Hafsa Abdulatif
    Hafsa Abdulatif says:

    Made this and followed the recipe exactly. Didn't turn out well because of the 'about half a cup of water in each tin' step, turned out too watery because of this. Your video also demonstrates the lentils being cooked as soon as its added in then straight away adding the spaghetti when in actual fact, this took much longer and needed longer waiting time. Appreciate the content but not the best, please be more specific next time.

  2. khadija Ali
    khadija Ali says:

    This looks amazing and you explain it so simple and well. I'm cooking my first ever vegan pasta today. It's ok to use fresh tomatoes instead of can ones, as I have acid reflux and can't use tomatoes.😊


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