Hearty leek and potato soup

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22 replies
  1. Luke Fraser
    Luke Fraser says:

    A variation of this with a ton of sharp cheddar cheese melted in is a childhood favorite of mine. Bonus points for a dusting of cayenne on top of a big bowl for spice and pretty!

  2. Thomas Palmer
    Thomas Palmer says:

    This looks absolutely delicious! But I had to laugh about how you can always add more liquid, but can never take it away, and then 10 seconds later talk about covering the pot so the liquid doesn't evaporate away. LOL

  3. Honkie_Kong
    Honkie_Kong says:

    If I could find you I would hug you. I just made it today for lunch. I made a couple modifications. I don't have the ability to puree. So I cut the potatoes in thin slices. I also added a touch of grated shallots and 1 grated garlic clove. after the initial simmer I used a wire stirrer ( I can't remember what its called) to mix. It would break up the potatoes and I cold control how lumpy the potatoes were by stirring more. Added cream and sadly dried rosemary and thyme. Wow, just wow. It had so much flavor and the texture was just perfect. I knew my kids were going to hate it, they hate all but the blandest foods. The soup is gone. They devoured it. My daughter asked me to make it on Christmas. That is the highest compliment in my family. Every Christmas I cook everyone's favorite dishes. We all get together and everyone gets to have their favorite food. You are only allowed to pick one dish. My kids want your soup. Thank you for sharing. I love your channel and the videos you make.

  4. VideoNOLA
    VideoNOLA says:

    Made it an hour after watching. Came out PERFECT. Not mentioned in video but added to mine: some marjoram, Herbs de Provence, white wine to deglaze, coconut milk instead of cream, Better Than Buillion (veg) instead of stock, plant-based beer brats instead of salami, Plant Bacon instead of meat topping, and some chopped up green onions as garnish. DELISH!!! (Ha, even used starchy potatoes – peeled – instead of waxy. Still perfect!)


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