Healthy Vegan Meals for Maximum Weight Loss + My Weekly Batch Cook / WFPB Vegan- The Starch Solution

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Hey Friends! I have some DELICIOUS meals for you today that are fantastic for maximum weight loss, following the starch solution! If you are on a plant based …

8 replies
  1. Karen K.
    Karen K. says:

    Thanks for the dinner recipe,will try tonite. I am 8yrs. into the SS way of eating and have lost 52lbsI (in the first 10months or so) and have maintained that easily for the rest of the 8yrs. I am 5'5" tall ,started at 167 and now stay easily at 115-118 with no stress! Love this way of eating and can't imagine ever changing.

  2. Dandelion Rising
    Dandelion Rising says:

    Thanks for the video, your content is so helpful, and I love how you keep it simple! I have tried several cheese sauces on my SS journey. This past week I tried a new one that had quite a bit of nutritional yeast and I actually had a niacin flush, which was freaky and not fun, my whole face went bright red with itchy patches on my legs and arms ☹️ I thought I was having an allergic reaction.
    I have since bought a bag of unfortified nutritional yeast, lol
    I absolutely love Japanese sweet potato, I had never had them before SS but am now obsessed. My favorite is with sliced bananas and tart cherries on top and just a splash of almond flavor+cinnamon….SO good for dessert.

  3. apple369
    apple369 says:

    I like your batch cooking style! And am kinda jealous that you can get bags of Japanese sweet potatoes as they're hard to find here and expensive when they are found. I hope you're well Kate and having a wonderful day.

  4. Caroline Backhurst
    Caroline Backhurst says:

    Thanks for the fab video. I just found you on TikTok too!! I am doing really well. Went xmas shopping 🛍 and had a bean burrito 🌯 as healthy as I could get. I would like to hear about the process of what happened and in what order whilst you were losing 70 lbs eg body changes and mental changes and self esteem changes if any and others- did they treat you differently eg friends and strangers? X

  5. Alex Moore
    Alex Moore says:

    I purchased HSV and HPV herbal medicine from Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube and received it within 4 days and i used it as prescribed, I tested negative within 3 weeks of usage….


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