HEALTHY COOKIES RECIPE (Gluten-Free) | Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies | Baking Cherry

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Healthy cookies recipe (gluten-free). A delicious and healthy cookie made with dry roasted peanuts, oats, and cocoa powder, full of white chocolate chips.

17 replies
  1. Baking Cherry
    Baking Cherry says:

    ➤ These cookies have no added fat, so make sure to grease the parchment paper to ensure the cookies won't stick.
    ➤ The dough will be a bit sticky, so you can wet a clean spoon or the tip of your fingers with water to lightly press the top and smooth the edges of the cookies.
    ➤ If you are celiac, make sure to use certified gluten-free oats.
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  2. IAmTheCatsMother
    IAmTheCatsMother says:

    I tried a similar version of these, oat flour instead of rolled oats. And because my sister is nut allergic I had to sub nuts for coconut (shredded). Only problem was they were a bit crumbly, but your idea of smoothing them down with a wet spoon might solve the problem!
    FYI.. try making a dark choc chip version of these with orange essence instead of vanilla…(but use about 1-2 tsps to flavour up, not just for sweetness)
    You can thank me later 😉

  3. Tiffany
    Tiffany says:

    Yesterday I was going through my baking Cherry recipes because I am having company next week… I was thinking 🤔I have not gotten a notification in a while… I wake up today and there you are‼️❤️ it's like I willed it to happen 🤗🤗🤗since I am making your cheesecake and blueberry muffins now I have a chocolate for the table as well. Thank you my Dear ❤️as usual another impeccable Dessert from my favorite baker ❤️🙏🥂🍾👩‍🍳😋


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