Healthy CARROT CAKE Oatmeal (Steel Cut Oat Version)! Vegan & Whole Food Plant Based! OOTW #1

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Today we are trying a WFPB Carrot Cake Oatmeal using Steel Cut Oats! It’s healthy, easy to make and tasty! I love making steel cut oatmeal in the instant pot, …

9 replies
  1. Cate Bien
    Cate Bien says:

    I'm a nutritionist student and I look for some nutrition food that I would cook for my grandmother and I can use this…

    Ps: you look like a cartoon character because of your eyes it's so cute I love it 😊😊😊

  2. Buck Fiden
    Buck Fiden says:

    I like to slow roast a few sweet potatoes, then mash them with diced apples, raisins, walnuts and cinnamon. I keep that in the fridge as a snack but really I put a scoop of that mixture into my daily oatmeal. Some maple syrup, hemp seeds and blueberries round out the delicious meal.

  3. Rabbit Food Fitness
    Rabbit Food Fitness says:

    This looks pretty awesome! I love oatmeal but I can't eat it all the time. I need to mix up my breakfasts weekly, but I probably will try this. I've never actually made oatmeal in the instant pot before. I typically use the microwave. 😅


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