Healthy Budget Meals for Family | Scratch Cooking

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TIPS FOR ANYONE that does a lot of COOKING, want’s a LARGE family, or a HOMESCHOOL family! I’ll be talking about …

14 replies
  1. @truthfreed7
    @truthfreed7 says:

    Your love for God and your husband and children, and their adoration of you IS definitely your return! The fruits of your labor. It is not in vain. You have a very admirable and beautiful life.

    Proverbs 31:28:
    Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her


  2. @eliza_kai
    @eliza_kai says:

    Omgosh that dough washcloth! I want to rip my hair out with the dough stuck on my hands and sponges! The sponge daddy is awesome but I’ll try that as well.

    You’ve inspired me to begin my sourdough journey which is going amazing. You’ve inspired my inner hippy mama so much so that my children are in ahhh. They’re wondering where this new mother came from. My eldest daughter messaged me last night and asked me if I wanted to start my own bakery with her. This is a relationship that has suffered much over the years as I grew up with her. I was very very young and made a lot of mistakes but to hear her seeing the changes in me; makes my mama heart happy. I have a large family and have always wished to be the mom I feel I was born to be. Unfortunately, I had to work full time out of our home and provide for all six of my children. When I turned 40
    something changed…I decided that I don’t care anymore about status and career as much as I do my children’s hearts and that’s legacy. I began with little changes and I’ve caught momentum. Cooking mostly from scratch. Homeschooling. All while still working out of the home. It can be done mamas. Pray. Ask God to give you desires of your heart. He’s so faithful. Even living in a big city in SoCal, I’m committed to bringing into my home a slower pace. We all have to start somewhere and that somewhere is right where you’re at. I share your channel on a lot of other homestead/homeschool channels as I truly admire you and your approach. Your channel will take off. Just keep plugging away. You’ll see the fruit of your labor ❤

  3. @eliza_kai
    @eliza_kai says:

    Have you ever used some of your sourdough starter as a roux for your dishes to thicken them rather than flour? Another viewer mentioned it and I’m now very curious if it works.

  4. @aleshalipsky1684
    @aleshalipsky1684 says:

    Oh my goodness, we are so alike… I just cooked a turkey last night that I bought the end of last year (bought several that were marked done). I like taking a half of a stick of butter and letting it come to room temp and mash sage, rosemary, thyme, chives (dried or fresh) in with the butter and then push all of the herbed butter under the skin of breast, wings, and legs. Put a little avocado oil and salt and pepper over the top of the turkey and make sure I use one lemon, one apple, and one onion all cut and placed into cavity. I don't do anything else. I forget about it. I start check temp of meat about 13 min per pound. I find that it is done some where about 14-16 min per pound. Let it set out for 20 min covered and it never fails. Its amazing every time.
    A dough washcloth, WHAT!!! Its a joke in our home about Otitis mess. I named my start Otitis and the Kids call "him" their messy brother. And because Otitis is the youngest child in our home they think that we need to work on his habit of being more tidy. LOL My kids are so funny. Good to see all the new ideas. Thanks

  5. @jen.BarnesFamilyHomestead
    @jen.BarnesFamilyHomestead says:

    Something I have done with leftover beef roast…and I felt like I was really taking a chance trying it, but I mashed and shredded it (potatoes and veggies and all with the meat) and added taco seasoning, spiced it up a bit and used it for fajitas

  6. @roughwoodsfarmhouse
    @roughwoodsfarmhouse says:

    Oh Shayla. I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, but I’m at a part where I just need to say – the fruit of your labors is SO evident. Your family is your legacy. You’re storing up many treasures in heaven my friend. ❤️

  7. @meggo6673
    @meggo6673 says:

    Funny hearing you speak to growing up in a small family and having a large one to feed as an adult. I think on this often; there is definitely a learning curve!! It felt so lonely at times, especially because I didn’t have support from grandparents when I needed it most with my littles. Now that my oldest is 16, I finally feel like I’ve figured household management out for the most part. I hope to pass some things on to my kids in this department. I also truly look forward to when they become parents and I can help them however they need. I think homeschooling in itself gives them such an advantage because they are around the house all day actively learning and passively absorbing what it takes to run a home.❤

  8. @krystalgarcia3397
    @krystalgarcia3397 says:

    I Love Love your videos! I grew up in a cabin in the woods, my grandma cooked on a wood cookstove in the cold months. I was homeschooled there and my papa had a big garden that he taught me how to plant and tend to. We had Bible study there at home weekly with friends. Your videos feel like home to me ❤


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