He Asked Why Black Queens Are So Angry & This Is Brad’s Response

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In this video, Cynthia G reacts to two tik tok videos in which a struggle kang asked why black queens are so anygry and reveals …

21 replies
  1. glitches n bitches
    glitches n bitches says:

    There’s a mayo bandit who did a video of Cyn during her BMW days calling her woke n sh!t I laughed coz he has no idea what she’s about!
    What’s crazy about this video is that a wm came to bw defense! The angry birds of society!

  2. S H
    S H says:

    BM are very angry…I went to purchase a couple of lotto tickets, the bandit checking me out had almost a rage againt me for asking for the tickets, voice raised, face twitching, I mean he was so mad and angry, he tried to intimidate me, I promise I stepped a few steps back and I'm multiracial Native American but I sound black because I was raised in the black community, it was awful….his teeth were hanging out his mouth, I guess he was mad because he knew it was no way I would EVER date or look twice at someone like him, I felt dirty when I left the counter, the next customer was a WW he was so nice and accommodating, it was wild….I stayed professional and nice to him and he couldn't handle it, I never broke a sweat but I felt like I was facing a demon – literally SMH

  3. Kisha sav912
    Kisha sav912 says:

    Its all about ACCOUNTABILITY in reality they abuse what's close to them…its a form of self hatred…they really are mad with their mother's because their father's are absent…but in all actuality mad because that man abandoned them… but you can't take your frustration out on someone who is none existent… PRIME EXAMPLE if you know any single mother households or are one you'd know…anything that goes wrong its always the mother's fault if your kids have to settle for less or next to nothing its mom's fault if they don't have name brand cereal or shoes can't afford band equipment etc…they don't call or speak on absentee not providing no its the mom's fault

  4. Bigman The Brave
    Bigman The Brave says:

    I'm guessing that the bandits she talks about are black men. If so.. then Black women can stop birthing them if they are destroying them.Or abort them and have only females. The problem will be solved in a generation. Or you can socialise them to have feminine traits, the power is in the hands of black women.

  5. T.j. Hanna
    T.j. Hanna says:

    Tate was shutdown for going against a granola bar/tree hugging yt women & nothing more.
    Also, anytime a dude is shirtless on a video, it’s a red flag.
    As for low marriage numbers. You don’t have to marry anymore.
    Being a pander bear doesn’t work well anyway.

  6. tina voice
    tina voice says:

    I have a mentor who told me, her dad told her back in the early 90s “at best black man can’t be nothing, but a liability to you.” I told my dad what she said to get his opinion on the matter and he agreed with her father and that’s when I started dating outside my race.

  7. Wait, what???
    Wait, what??? says:

    BM take out all their frustration, hate, and anger on BW. I'm so sick of seeing/hearing BM blame and trash the very women who birthed them, raised them, stood by them, and fought for them for centuries. BM have played the most diabolical game of manipulation and smear campaigns against BW. Then have the audacity to still point the finger of blame at BW for a mess BM have created, and get angry when BW turn away from them.

    CHEZJUSA says:

    Yes G please take a mental health break because you need it. There's so much wrong here. First …Block women have absolutely zero room to judge any gender or race with the statistics Black women have. 75 percent are single parents…(UnWed) HIV rate is 50 percent. Now they're walking around in night clothes and head bonnets. Angry too. So please stop talking this ignorant no substance material . And make better choices in people period.


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