halwai style kaju katli recipe in 15 minutes | kaju barfi recipe | cashew burfi recipe

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full recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/kaju-katli-recipe-kaju-barfi-recipe/ Music: http://www.hooksounds.com/ kaju katli recipe …

25 replies
  1. MJ Remy
    MJ Remy says:

    1. Please don't add music. It is deafening and hurts the ears.
    2. Don't add any foil. Either this is Aluminum or Silver. If aluminum it is very toxic for your body. If silver it can lodge under your skin and make it look grey. It is a condition called Argyria. Foil on food is banned in the US for those reasons.

    Good recipe, thanks! I would use much less sugar and substitute with some Monkfruit extract to lower the glycemic index.

  2. yes pineapple pizza
    yes pineapple pizza says:

    I made this. Unfortunately i think i used too much water or didn't boil long enough. I managed to save it though by putting the dough in to the microwave. Now its nice and firm. For other trying this. Make sure you measure the ingredients exactly and boil longer than 5mins or put less water in.

  3. WTF
    WTF says:

    Grind Cashews with sugar to get fine cashew powder without headache and mess to seive it also add some milk/water to pan to help sugar dissolve. Use thick pan as cashew burns quickly, stir continuously u till thick like dough but not too thick as it gets dry after cooling.


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