Halloween Party and Mountain Day Trip

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Snail Mail: Kim Maness PO Box 969 Kannapolis, NC 28082 Email: ktownkim13@gmail.com Website: https://agirlandherphone.net Follow me on IG …

24 replies
  1. Marilyn Avent
    Marilyn Avent says:

    Oh my what beautiful scenery and the colours. Loved the roadside shops. Couldn’t believe the variety of canned goods. I could spend the whole day browsing. I’ve never heard of winesap apples. I’m glad you had a great day. The food at your party looked amazing. Very creative. Holly looks good and that little fella is adorable. He looks like he’s growing in leaps and bounds.

  2. Recipes with Roy
    Recipes with Roy says:

    I want to come to your Halloween party next year!!! And I need to take a day trip with you guys, too! That is my kind of trip! Especially when you stop at my family's Trading Post & Gift Shop! LOL

  3. sally P
    sally P says:

    Great video! You did a wonderful job recording. I haven't been anywhere since all this crap started (except grocery shopping and out to eat) so this was a treat for me. Beautiful scenery. You live in a beautiful part of the country. I am from CT.

  4. Sara Kelly
    Sara Kelly says:

    I live in NC too….just outside of Raleigh. I've only been up to Boone once, when we went to look at the college for my son. unfortunately it was in the fall and definitely wasn't as gorgeous as it was in your video!!!! Looks like you both had a wonderful time!!!! 🙂

  5. deborah b
    deborah b says:

    wonderful trip– Your hubby is just amazing and so even keel-stopping and picking up whatever you wanted– so sweet– Also loved the day trip– the scenery was magnificent.

  6. Judi Mecham
    Judi Mecham says:

    Wowed…stoat trip went thru some beautiful country. I am so happy you guys had a perfect day trip! So much fun reliving it with you. And your party is spooktacular!! Jacob is a doll! 💓💓

  7. mary ann knott
    mary ann knott says:

    All the food looked great for the party . The baby is adorable .
    Your adventures remind me of the ones my late husband and I use to take . He loved doing all the back roads and beautiful scenery .

  8. Susie Scofield
    Susie Scofield says:

    Your food looked so cute and delicious for your Halloween party. Not as cute as Jacob though. Loved the fact you had such a good time on your trip to Boone. Made me miss the mountains. You did a good job showing off our state. Thanks for taking us along.

  9. Joanne Haley Kelly
    Joanne Haley Kelly says:

    Gosh your ride reminds me of going up & through the Mohawk Trail here in Massachusetts. Beautiful this time of year!! So nice both you & David had a wonderful day. Oh of course I’m a lover of that coconut candy also & it is hard to find, which is a good thing😂😂 Loved the instrumental on the ride through scenic route!! Thanks for taking us with you😉😊😉😊

  10. Vivan Colemire
    Vivan Colemire says:

    Awesome video….no sea sick here. Thank you for taking us along for the drive, it was so beautiful! I spent more $$ than you in the stores. My daughter has an old general store that is around 100 years old. It was good to see others are keeping some of those old places alive today. Your party spread was also amazing…everything looked delicious. Jacob is such a cutie!!

  11. Marilyn S
    Marilyn S says:

    …Your buffet is amazing, great job Ladies, and tho my back teeth ache from all the delicious treats…😵‍💫😳…Jacob is an absolute doll…never heard of Cameo apples…that was a gorgeous, scenic drive…you look radiant and relaxed, Kim…


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