Guy Fieri and His Dad Cook Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin | Guy's Big Bite | Food Network

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Guy Fieri and his dad make a delicious sauce with green peppercorns to complement their tender bacon-wrapped tenderloin!

17 replies
  1. Tom Downey
    Tom Downey says:

    Didn't sear the beef, underside of the bacon likely undercooked, definitelyon the overlapping ends. Good idea, could be executed better. Still love guy regardless. Sauce looked good.

  2. Jordan mahony The blind world
    Jordan mahony The blind world says:

    I’m glad you and your dad created a creation because if it was me and my dad we will create something special like you just did there also everybody I Food Network it’s my birthday today I’m 24 years old because my birthday is today the 25th of March because I was born in 1998 and just I’m from Ireland I’m visually impaired and just yeah it’s my birthday and my name is Jordan

  3. Dr. Ryan
    Dr. Ryan says:

    at a buffet, i personally sneak corndogs into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 corndogs in my jacket pockets. it then, is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corndogs thinking they were part of the buff


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