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This is gonna be FUN!!! Here we go again…TWICE!! Two for the price of one :):):) Here’s my pregnancy announcement and how I’ve been doing up until now.

28 replies
  1. Alissa Case
    Alissa Case says:

    Congratulations! I was just thinking of you this morning, and then you announce THIS! So happy for you!!! I’m going to miss your cute little apartment, but I’m looking forward to seeing your new kitchen 😊

  2. charlene wagoner
    charlene wagoner says:

    Congratulations! So happy for you. My daughter had triplets two identical twin boys and 1 girl. She already had 3 boys. She was bed ridden after 4 month. The triplets were born 3 lbs and had to stay in the hospital for 5-6 months. My daughter visited every day for hours while I took care of her other 3boys. The triplets will be 3 in May. Are the healthiest little kids for being sick the first year. Wish you the best. She also homeschools her kids. She has a YouTube channel if you are interested. So many Celestines. Congratulations again Cherry so happy for you.

  3. Stan Rosenstein
    Stan Rosenstein says:

    Congratulations. What great news. I have two twin two year old granddaughters (not identical) and its wonderful. They are so much fun. Interesting to see how they interact with each other. Their favorite toy os the one their sister has. As I am sure you know, a lot of work for the parents.

  4. KCallaAK
    KCallaAK says:

    Congratualations!! Oh I know, my vegan daughter dealt with hyperemesis gravidarum all through her pregnancy and was willing to try ANYthing to stop it. (think fast food takeout) She also worked in a busy office, sounded like a sick cow when she was throwing up, so had to run up to the next floor so her coworkers wouldn't hear, and always scared she wouldn't make it! LOL Oh I'm SOOOO excited for you and your family!!!

  5. Nancy Ferland
    Nancy Ferland says:

    So happy for you 🤩. The meat thing was a shocker – but I got you girl. You have to do what you have to do to stay well and to assure the health of your babies. Enjoy those complex carbs! With my last baby, I ate mashed potatoes with an almond or cashew butter sauce. Yeah weird but it worked for me. 😊

  6. Sharon McLean
    Sharon McLean says:

    Congrats that is so wonderful. Don't worry about the weight as my dr told me when I was concerned. You will by-pass the house and look like a barn. haha he was right, I only gained 50 but I looked like a barn. I will say that I gained it fast right towards the end and it really gave me stretch marks so pile on the coconut butter. My one piece of advice, have someone help you out with documenting their life. You will be busy and exhausted and won't remember as much as you did with your first child. Welcome to becoming a twin mom. You will have a special bond with them but the bond they have with one another is unbreakable. God bless you.

  7. Laura Curtis
    Laura Curtis says:

    Congrats to you Cheri! Do you have twins on your side or your husband? I am so happy for you Still doing WFPB good news still at same weight no gains but no loss! I am also so excited you are moving to larger digs! You are lookin good girl. You are a glow girl!

  8. Mountain hiker
    Mountain hiker says:

    p.s. SUPER excited for your pregnancy vlog and the interview with your brother (I loved the 1st one and am so happy he is rockin' it!). Aaaannd the EAT TO LIVE ACADEMY is FAAAAAABULOUS! So thrilled to be taking part in that. Mindset is mind-blowing! Thank you, Cheri! Much love … XOXO!

  9. Tash Jansson
    Tash Jansson says:

    Awww, congrats!!!! Excellent news! And I'm glad you found a dietary plan that works for you! Your health and sanity is the most important thing right now. I really hope nobody's going to come and give you shit for eating what you must <3 This is an awesome life update! thanks for sharing it with us!


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