Grocery Store Mead – EASY Great Tasting Beginner Recipe

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We made mead with items from the grocery store. Easy recipe, but tastes good! Perfect recipe for a beginner, yet still worthwhile …

31 replies
  1. Patrick Phelps
    Patrick Phelps says:

    I've been enjoying your videos for years now, and this just adds to the list of good ones! From your experience do you think there's a difference in aging time or quality between the different yeasts?

  2. Bryan Yates
    Bryan Yates says:

    You two have been the driving force behind me starting to brew mead. Carboy with airlock, Hydrometer, yeast and yeast nutrient is on its way, then to pick up honey etc. Just want to say thank you for the push to do something fun.

  3. harri mutanen
    harri mutanen says:

    oo thank you so much of this long video. watched and drink some beer. as with my another eye, looking my first blueberry mead making "plop" sound next to me.. i got so many questions about mead/wines but maybe i will shout out those some another time 🙂 nice video anyway. thank you

  4. Raphael
    Raphael says:

    I started my first mead this morning, after three weeks of gathering equipment and watching a ton of vids, mostly yours which are my favorite. Question: if grapes add nutrients to wine, why don't raisins add nutrients to mead? I still added them anyway, but I wondered.

  5. Masta Angler
    Masta Angler says:

    When I racked my mead i added a bit more cider to age so to be less oxygen to the top, got a funky ring swirl.

    Yeasty but when i swirled it it stayed in a longer perfect circle to the bottom of my 1 gallon vessel. No off colors.

    Is this normal?

  6. Mason Austin
    Mason Austin says:

    Great video, I loved that you used all ingreadents from a grocery store just to show how easy it is. I saw that yall sanatized the fruit in starsan. I was planning to make a strawberry mead but with frozen strawberrys. Should i sanatize them or should they be good since they were packaged and frozen. Also Do you have a suggestion on how many pounds of strawberry for roughly a gallon of mead. The recipies i looked up varied quite a bit. Thank you!

  7. Lindy Clark
    Lindy Clark says:

    I have just recently started watching and brewing along with you from Canada! You are both hilarious and I am completely addicted! Here in Canada instead of a Bloody Mary we make a Ceasar with Clamato juice, vodka, lemon juice, Tabasco, worcestershire sauce and celery salt and lots of people like to add
    Pickle juice or pickle beans. I am wondering if there is any way to make this into a fermentation (minus the vodka of course)? Have you guys ever tried a tomato or salt or pickle based fermentation? Would this even work? Thanks in advance!

  8. BoscoBob
    BoscoBob says:

    I noticed that when you write, that you "crank" your wrist as most southpaws do (and, I USED to do).

    I found that if I rotated the PAPER 60-90º counter-clockwise, that I could write without the wrist gymnastics. Advice from one southpaw, to another.

  9. Brian Butler
    Brian Butler says:

    Hello , I started my Mead yesterday and it is happily bubbling away in my kitchen. My starting gravity was 1.080 . After it finishes, is there anything wrong if, after I sweetening to taste, I let it start fermenting again to raise the alcohol back to what the bread yeast can do before I pasteurize. I realize I may have to adjust the sweetness a second time

  10. Ian Wilkinson
    Ian Wilkinson says:

    Hi there. Have you guys ever used 'forest honey' to make mead? My local Aldi has Spanish Forest Honey but I've read that forest honey is different somehow. I was wondering if I need to do something different if I attempt to make mead with it.

  11. Jason Hunt
    Jason Hunt says:

    Hey guys! I've been watching a few months now and I'm about to give this all a shot. Was wondering if y'all had an affiliate link for Northern Brewers. I want a little big mouth. 😁 You guys have been great filling in some of my knowledge gaps and love if you got the kick back for my purchase.

  12. BLK_Moses
    BLK_Moses says:

    I have watched soooo many of your videos and really enjoy them (even though i am not brewing yet) but i do have a question..

    I havent seen a video of a savory style mead. you often see sweet or dry but never a flavor recipe that is savory…

    is a savory mead a thing? hmm.. hope that not a dumb question…

  13. Emilia Davis
    Emilia Davis says:

    Lol im probably with you guys on the sweetness 😂 also the taste as you go is very up my alley. My mom taught me to cook by taste so i'm very attuned to subtle changes and i think adding and tasting makes more sense for me in the long run

  14. thedrinkinggeek
    thedrinkinggeek says:

    Chaucers is the only mead I've ever really had (that i remember). Do you have any favorite or recommended "commercial" brewers you like to buy from? Doesn't have to be small batch, etc. Just curious. Groennfell & Havoc have been in my bookmarks for a while but I haven't pulled the trigger yet.

  15. Lord Snorlax
    Lord Snorlax says:

    Commented on a video about if you know adding vanilla beans and butter to a mead will add those flavours. I ended up trying it out. I definitely had the vanilla in to long but it still worked pretty well. The butter worked more than I thought it would. Added flavour as well as mouth feel. It even cleared out the brew while the rest of the brew I didn't add the butter to is still cloudy. Will definitely be doing it again.


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