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Welcome back to the vlog! Mom of nine, wife to my middle school sweetheart, living in our farmhouse and praising God for it all …

26 replies
  1. Planning with KareBear
    Planning with KareBear says:

    I'm on ur side as far as bacon … I am making homemade turkey and dumplings…I make the dumplings from scratch…my hubby boiled down the turkey carcass (he smoked 2 turkeys for Christmas) so I could make what is normally chicken dumplings but this time it will be turkey…btw millie is adorable

  2. Irene Minor
    Irene Minor says:

    Hi Shasta Millie is so adorable and yes where has the time gone. Already 5 months. Love your weekly menu. easy and delicious 😋. I like my bacon crispy. Thanks for the video. Blessings to you. 🙂 ❤🌻

  3. Kayla Arrowood
    Kayla Arrowood says:

    We are doing all types of finger foods for NYE
    New Year’s Day we will have the normal dinner type food.
    Then meal plan is
    Philly cheese sloppy joes
    Veggie soup with cornbread
    Hot dogs
    Pinots and cornbread!

    I hope y’all have a wonderful start of the new year!

  4. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Chipotle shrimp, spaghetti, cheese dip and enchiladas for New Year's hamburgers and fries, chicken and noodles breakfast for dinner! Happy New Year's 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤


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