Grocery Haul and St. Patty

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لҽղղìƒҽɾ꧂✯ How to Connect With Me: Email: TikTok: .Jennderella Instagram: jennifer_gwen_ann …

21 replies
  1. Karen L
    Karen L says:

    Jen I'm not understanding why your not helping your self! Meaning eating healthy foods! Getting out of bed every day!! And do exercise every day!! Do you think Gene likes doing this everyday? What kind of life is this? I don't understand how you boss Gene ? Or you have the right to do so!! And boss any worker nurse aid it doesn't happen!! You need to get out of the bed start getting motivated! And not doing for your self! You don't need to be waited on!! Why dont you find a therapist to talk to and a nutritionist to talk to! Do you work? You need to help your self. You need to do for your self! What if Gene leaves you? You need to think about that! Go outside and do walking excercise so you can drop a couple hundred pounds! This is crazy! And asking for money for what??? Or a wish list for what ?? You have your own money. I think its wrong!!

  2. The Lazy Carnivore Channel
    The Lazy Carnivore Channel says:

    St Patty? Is that the Patron Saint of junk food? Everyone else celebrated St Paddy's which is named after St Padraig which is the Irish way of spelling Patrick and I can assure you that the actual Irish folk do not like the day being called Patty's day!

  3. Elemental
    Elemental says:

    So this is the loving husband? Wow, what a man, lol. Does she know her hubby craves attention from everyone but his wife? What exactly is he holding on for? Does his mate have thousands of dollars underneath her mattress she never moves from? I guess he is comfortable, she must have something for him to stick around telling crap to whomever will listen just to keep grasping at some sort of career? I wonder if he has ever been in love, but he knows a lot about his wife's eating habits, yay, grocery haul. Just passing through these parts of YouTube, but damn, how many couples broadcast from the kitchen and bed simultaneously?

    You go big girl, grocery hauls, maybe you can transfer to a chair.

  4. Jag Girl
    Jag Girl says:

    Why isn't Jen eating the healthier foods, that she was complaining about not having in hospital?
    The Voice from the deep. Hollering out orders from her bed..🤣
    I thìnk they both love the welfare cheques far too much for her to improve and get mobile.
    They are too use to it now. They're making more vids now, hoping that YouTube cash will roll in.
    Just my opinion

  5. Witch of the Wildwoods
    Witch of the Wildwoods says:

    These 2 share a lot of psychological issues. Jen has no desire to or intention of losing weight and getting healthy, and Gene loves her dependence on him. They’re a perfect couple because they’re comfortable in their roles. At this point it’s become a freak show and nothing is going to change until one of them leaves or one of them dies.

  6. Cherry Metha
    Cherry Metha says:

    How about buying lots of fresh vegetables and making soup with them . Jen and Gene could eat different types of soups and add some lean protein , like chicken or tofu . The soups would fill Jen up . A breakfast of egg white omelette and some strawberries and soup for lunch and dinner for Jen . She’d definitely lose weight and feel full .imo

    ZERO REGRETS says:

    the exact foods she was complaining about in the facility, so i'm guessing she ate what was on the food tray and whatever Gene was bringing her? plus her orders from outside the facility. think none of that was charted? LOL,its called being "non compliant" doesnt look good and explains why she left the facility still morbidity obese. morbidity! should of lost at least a few hundred pounds.

  8. Carla Arms
    Carla Arms says:

    Everything loaded with sugar,fructose & carbs. Juices are a big no no with Diabetes but there is diet juices if you absolutely have to have it. My favorite is ocean spray diet juices in moderation. You need lots of LEAN proteins,low fat, low carb snacks and sugar free sauces. Whats ok for Gene is not ok for you Jen.

  9. Trisha Khalid
    Trisha Khalid says:

    Jennifer do you know that gene could be your care taker and be paid for it ? I cared for my mother so I know. Think about it girl. Gene you take good care of Jennifer. 🌸

  10. Rosie Hugh
    Rosie Hugh says:

    I'm not here to bash you, Jennifer. However, looking past all the fruit juices which would cause your blood sugar to spike, you really need to put more thought into your meal ingredients.
    I couldn't find a single recipe for Irish Soda Bread which contained sugar in the ingredients, yet you told Gene to put 4 tablespoons of sugar in yours.
    In your Irish corn beef recipe Gene added 2 tablespoon of brown sugar, again I could find no recipe containing sugar.
    6 tablespoons of completely unnecessary sugar in a main-course meal is baffling, given your condition.


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