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meals #newyear2024 #traditional #southernfood Join me as I cook some traditional southern staples for the New Year dinner.

5 replies
  1. @susanfriemel9492
    @susanfriemel9492 says:

    Your meal looks great! I have never cooked my collards in with my peas. That was very interesting and saved a pan to boot! I am all for that! Happy New Year and lots of your videos from you 2024.

  2. @karensimpkins8323
    @karensimpkins8323 says:

    Looks delicious. We have cabbage with bacon, from German heritage in Indiana. Never knew how to fix black eyed peas and didn't know about the cornbread tradition. Next year we will be having them too!

  3. @Carol_Sews
    @Carol_Sews says:

    Regional cooking is quite amazing. In central Pennsylvania we eat pork (not ham) and sauerkraut for good luck. I like to make soft dumplings on top of my broth at the end of the cooking time. This year my Bisquick was way past its best buy date, so I made my dumplings from scratch. I also had to substitute butter for shortening because I don’t buy shortening. The dumplings were delicious, so I will make them from scratch every year from now on. I’m unusual in that I eat ketchup on my sauerkraut. When I was little, I didn’t like sauerkraut until my grandfather suggested I put ketchup on it like he did. That made it yummy (and a little sweet), and I’ve been eating it that way ever since then. The only things you made that we would eat here at my house are ham and cornbread. I bake my cornbread in the oven in an aluminum pan. Sometimes I use sugar and sometimes I don’t. I use canola oil as my fat component. I like to eat warm cornbread with milk and sugar on it. Happy New Year, and I hope your traditional foods bring you luck.

  4. @madiemay4694
    @madiemay4694 says:

    This looks YUMMY!!! I'm a northern girl (MN) and I've never had collard greens. I never knew how to make them. I am going to try this! I do eat cabbage and sausage. I too hope that this year is a better one. I lost 3 Aunts and 3 Uncle this year and my mom just 4 weeks ago. I also had a coworker (33 yo) pass away on the 18th from a car accident. I love your wooden spoon! Mine are so plain, and your green glass dishes! WOW!! I've been looking for dishes like this. I'm old, but my soul is older! LOL!! May you have a Blessed and wonderful New Year!!


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