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46 replies
  1. Coleen Parenti
    Coleen Parenti says:

    You should make pizza bread ….. Get a loaf of French bread…. Pizza sauce or tomato sauce…… Shredded mozzarella…. Pepperoni… Cut the loaf long ways down the middle then put the sauce .. cheese .. and pepperoni then bake for ten minutes on 375.. or until cheese is melted and bread is crispy alittle and then cut into long thin peices I love it..💋💋💋💋

  2. MagenRaquel
    MagenRaquel says:

    I'm open to trying gravy on pizza, i've had ranch, blue cheese and I think ketchup, so gravy will be my next thing to try. What type of pizza are you eating, is it just pepperoni?

  3. J Grover
    J Grover says:

    It's easy to say you are "going to do this" when you are eating all kinds of junk. Been there, done that!! It's when it's time to do the "doing" that things change….

  4. Jennifer Brown
    Jennifer Brown says:

    I am rewatching your live and they will fix your hernia at the same time. I had one too. Please please do your research. I got almost every complication there was including almost dying. Many people get it with hardly any complications though. Best wishes and I'm always here if you have any questions or support.

  5. Tarah-ble
    Tarah-ble says:

    Yikes. I couldn’t watch this one. Most people know what gravy tastes like and pizza. I see no need to slop gravy on pizza. This one turned my stomach. Sorry guys.


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