Gratefulness, meditation & tortellini

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Episode 3 – Gratitude, meditation & tortellini When was the last time you reminded yourself to be grateful? Can you admire all the …

16 replies
  1. Richard Down
    Richard Down says:

    I love making my own pasta and I am looking forward trying tortellini’s. They’re simpler to make than I imagined. Thank you. With the appalling things that are happening in Europe, I am grateful for everything, every day and for reaching my allotted span relatively unscathed and in good health. I’m looking forward to more recipes… 🙏

  2. IVAN
    IVAN says:

    Grateful to meet you from many years ago and follow you in your footsteps in this movie called life.

    Thank you for giving us your effort in art, in painting, in the kitchen. Lovely and delicious narrative Chef.

  3. Denis Thibaudet
    Denis Thibaudet says:

    Grhummmm 🔥 miam-miam en autre, me vient ce rêve où je souhaite te rencontrer et passer du temps pour apprendre ta cuisine et la comprendre et au final te découvrir pour t'admirer d'avantage…. gros bisous 😚

  4. Rosenziel
    Rosenziel says:

    I was going to bed satisfied with today's work, so yeah, I'm always doing my best to be grateful and looking back.

    About the recipe, amazing!, I'll give it try, specially because I'm doing the tomate sauce by myself.

    As I said before, amazing narrative and very well explained recipes.


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