Granny's Ham and Potato Soup – Depression Era Recipe The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Granny’s Ham and Tater Soup – Depression Cooking Ham and potato soup has endless variations and is the perfect way to use …

49 replies
  1. Anne Ramirez
    Anne Ramirez says:

    My Mom was raised during the depression, and she knew a number of cheap and delicious meals, similar to yours. She made yummy potato soup, and she made a great white (navy) bean soup with a hambone. She was a single mom for several years on a secretary’s salary, so we didn’t eat much meat, but we were healthy!

  2. Catheya Hannas
    Catheya Hannas says:

    I make my Potato soup very similar except I saute my vegetables in bacon grease and butter, and I add a little bit of dried potatoes to thicken the broth and I use half & half. Thank you for your time and talents shared with all of us. God bless you and yours.

  3. Damage Incorporated Metal43Ver
    Damage Incorporated Metal43Ver says:

    Bacon @ Leek's, it's that time of year ??? Bacon is way up there in Price… So like everything else I'll have to find an alternative. Invasive species. Lemon Grass to make pesto; those annoying flying Carp or whatever they are. Bottom line we know how to cook.

  4. Linda BRANUM
    Linda BRANUM says:

    This is not FB this is UTUBE…. God is allowed to be on here. I love it too. I hope it’s always here and I can watch and learn to cook along hearing about God. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and faith!

  5. Vger 9
    Vger 9 says:

    I love potato soup. Love to put veggies in it too. I put homemade chicken broth in too (can’t drink milk so don’t keep it). Using Spam is a great idea if we can’t get ham!

  6. Rosanne Schiedel
    Rosanne Schiedel says:

    I want to thank you for your Ham and tater soup recipe. I am from the Eastern Shore of Maryland originally. I know how to make some really awesome soups. But hubby always buys similar soups like Campbells. Why? Well after 50 years married to my man, I figured it out. He likes the look of cubed veggies. I made your recipe exactly, almost I didn't have red peppers. He loved it! He did say this is almost like my clam chowder. I grabbed the Old Bay and said let's try this on top. He is so happy now, and I know its because of your video. We put God first.

  7. LVLouisCyphre
    LVLouisCyphre says:

    The only reason I watch your channel is for the recipes. I don't care nor want to have anything to with religion or dog spelled backwards and it's quite frankly offensive to me that you have your religious agenda. It's just as annoying as a Jehovah Witness or a LDS missionary beating on my door while trying to sleep.

    Yes, it's your channel and do what you want with it.

    My philosophy about religion is the same as Richard B. Riddick; or as Pinhead in Hellraiser IV: Bloodline;

  8. HBSHARK Romero
    HBSHARK Romero says:

    I just recently discovered your channel. As a single older man , I find your videos so uplifting and the dishes you make look so delicious . You explain everyone so clearly . The scriptures are the “ Icing on the cake “ for me. Thank You for providing these Videos 😀

  9. Therese Shine
    Therese Shine says:

    The oven for the needy was so wonderful. I've been without a stove, an oven and fridge at times throughout my life. It's tough when that happens. One time I offered to make lasagna for a work luncheon, forgetting I was without my stove and was using a single electric burner. The noodles all fell apart because it wouldn't get hot enough. I made the lasagna with those noodles and you couldn't tell they were broken up. We just have to do what we can sometimes. I used that single burner for eight months til I could afford a new stove top. Thank you for your scripture. God bless you and keep you safe. 💕

  10. Robert Lavigne
    Robert Lavigne says:

    I absolutely love soups. You can make them tasty, filling, nutritious and delicious! I often throw "everything but the kitchen sink" in soups and stews. It's amazing how delicious broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc tastes in a good broth. Best wishes to you Becky, Debbie Lavigne.

  11. Grumpy Oma
    Grumpy Oma says:

    I need an oven. I know it's a year since you posted this video but my oven broke and I stumbled upon your video. I just thought I would try. If it's not possible it's okay. I love how you express your faith. I also love the way you cook.

  12. Dolores Roy
    Dolores Roy says:

    I love .your red shirt. your soup looks fantastic .I will make this soup ..You inspier me .keep on sharing your recipes and Jesus too. Love you for what you do .It is very relaxing to listen to you at night I bring in my IPad to bed and often watch your videos.


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