Grandma's SECRET Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

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This is an amazing Sweet Potatoe Casserole recipe. There is no Thanksgiving dinner without this delicious dessert. Enjoy!

24 replies
  1. Angel Romero
    Angel Romero says:

    Can I bake the sweet potatoe casserole and not add the topping until I get to my destination and then cook the topping? Or should I bake it all including the topping and reheat it when I get ro where im going ?

  2. Auntie Kim
    Auntie Kim says:

    You will not believe it, but I am making almost this exact same recipe for Thanksgiving tomorrow! I roasted my sweet potatoes in the oven tonight just to get a head start on it. A little trick that I do with the sweet potatoes is once they are cooked, I put them in the bowl and I beat them with the hand mixer just like you did. With the hand mixer still on, I slowly lift the beaters up and then turn the mixer off. You will notice all of the fibrous strands from the potatoes are stuck to the beaters. I rinse them off in the sink and then repeat the process three more times. It gets all of those fibrous pieces out and your potatoes will be smooth as butter! Then I add my sugar and all the other ingredients. It’s a great tip to use for making sweet potato casserole, sweet potato soufflé and sweet potato pie! Have a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving with your family my friend! ❤😊

  3. Gabbi
    Gabbi says:

    Tried this recipe out and it came out delicious! I’m proud to bring it to the family thanksgiving tomorrow! (I’m from the south too so the stakes were high lol) Thank you!

  4. gen ramsey
    gen ramsey says:

    Dang, All Wings Everything, I fixed your taco spaghetti (very tasty😊), now here you are with this, of I've got to try!! Thanks so much, my friend ❤! May your holidays be happy. Peace!!

  5. Gloria A.
    Gloria A. says:

    Awwww, man! See, this would have been on the table tomorrow. I made candied yams (as usual) but this casserole would have been a big hit. That's okay though because it will be great with the leftover turkey and ham on Sunday when more family will be coming over. I've got the broccoli casserole ready and Oh, Wow it's good. Thanks, Spinelli. Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season.

  6. Olga Rodriguez
    Olga Rodriguez says:

    I’ve never had this casserole with pecans, always with marshmallows; however, this looks so delicious. I have everything to make this so I will make it tomorrow morning (Thanksgiving Day). I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for a new suggestion, at least new for me. I grew up in Mexico and we make sweet potatoes a bit different. Again, love this recipe and I will definitely be making it tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!


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