Got Food Addiction? Evidence of a Highly Processed Food Substance Use Disorder Dr. Ashley Gearhardt

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22 replies
  1. Ima
    Ima says:

    I call all those ultra processed stuff craps. I am addicted to the taste of coffee when blended into smoothie sweetened with either sweet potato or banana with loads of leafy greens to the point i can no longer just grab a cup of starbucks. I’m also addicted to the taste of sweet potato layered with spices and steamed to perfection. Out here in Indonesia there’s this layered cake filled w/ egg yolks, butter, white flour & spices. I love the flavor of the spices & sugar but not loving the butter & eggs, hence i make my own with sweet potatoes😂😂😂. I can eat it to my heart’s content and i won’t feel sick.

  2. Aubrey Van Dyne
    Aubrey Van Dyne says:

    I had a heavy friend back in the 1960's that was a food addict. Her and I were 11 yrs. old. I spent a summer with her and she ate a lot of potato chips, cheese and crackers, ice cream, cookies and drank RC cola. After I had spent the summer with her my mom told me I was fat. She said she was a bad influence on me and I'd have to stop going to her house, and I did. I eventually got my weight back down. I'm glad now that my mom split us up because the girl was a highly critical and negative person.

  3. Karen Hollingsworth
    Karen Hollingsworth says:

    I remember seeing how in India many women work out of their home kitchens making lunches for people working in offices. This would be a great way for woman to stay at home with kids and maybe create 10 WFPB sos free lunches for working people, either to pick up or be delivered. Or pick up on their way home. At $15 a meal, that could help out. I’m sure I’m very undereducated about how this could happen, but an interesting idea

  4. Vi
    Vi says:

    Very interesting! I sometimes feel that people do not understand that even though I am a normal weight, I have and still struggle with food addiction to sugar, especially. This was validating. Thanks to everyone!

  5. Laura Estes
    Laura Estes says:

    As a child i was so drawn to white sugar. I couldnt stop eating candy or cookies until they were all gone
    Thankfully i never got fat and i was very athletic slim all my life. The firat time i got iv dilaudid for a broken bone in the ER and a script for pain meds i wanted it more than any food or sex or anything else on earth
    I ended up shooting heroin 10 years ….i literally call sugar the gateway drug to heroin. I believe sugar addiction is an indication of opiate addictive tendencies. I can say i dont like any other drug but heroin and nicotine. i think if you feed a child sugar they will easily become addicted to opiates. The first time they use them

  6. Mary Carr
    Mary Carr says:

    This is such an important topic. I have saved this one! It is so meaningful for me. I have thought these same things but have not been able to articulate with the clarity that us demonstrated here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  7. JaJaJaJaJa
    JaJaJaJaJa says:

    She is making such a great point…….I can not stand when people say that you have to be more relaxed about X Y Z processed junk drug garbage products….and then you will be magically able to eat some of it and be O.K. And that should be valid for anorexics and for bulimics.
    Till this day people with eating disorders in developed rich countries are in recovery institutions where they are told to have pizza night and icecream parties and they HAVE TO eat these so called "fear foods". They have to learn to eat them in moderation.
    What a useless torture. When people are addicted to alcohol the experts in the field say: You have to get abstinent. You can not have a single drop.
    Same for cocaine. Same for heroine.
    But when people are addicted to highly processed foodlike products…..they have to confront their "fear food"s and have parties where they are forced to eat this drug in moderation.
    Wow. And those psychiatrists are even highly regarded and highly paid for doing this to their patients. Absolute ignorance.

  8. Happy Cook
    Happy Cook says:

    I believe food addiction only exists when the "food" ingested is manufactured to be highly processed and contains fat/oil, sugar, and salt in any combination or alone. I have no problems with green veggies but give me a processed food and I'm wired, using great quantities, etc. I have eaten myself up to 308 pounds, turned my liver fatty, developed type 2 diabetes yet I still want those foods. The only cure is an eating plan like Dr. John McDougal's, eating veggies at every meal, and avoiding the addictive foods, keeping a food clean home environment, and getting dopamine hits from exercise and doing fun activities. I'm down to 277 but have a long way to go. These awful processed foods are everywhere even in the craft store, gas station, library, my dog's veterinary office, Planet Fitness Gym candy dish at the checkin desk,… Seriously beyond ridiculous. Oops, did I forget to mention I got uterine cancer which is driven by excess estrogen coming from body fat, wasn't able to have kids, and didn't find any man who could put up with a fat woman? Yes looking back on my life I really lost a lot because of my food addiction. No one would willingly give up so much. It IS addiction. A gerbil wheel of extreme toxic hunger and intense cravings when these processed foods are in my mouth. Broccoli never evoked this response. I have to watch nuts, fruit, and dried fruit too. They aren't as bad but still stop my weightloss if not tightly controlled.


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