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Here’s a quick guide to bacon, with a few recipes to follow! #GordonRamsay #Cooking Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit …

44 replies
  1. Alister X
    Alister X says:

    Do you want perfectly cooked bacon? put it on a baking sheet cook it in your oven at 350° for no more thin 10,15 minutes it’ll come out straight they won’t Curl into tiny little baking balls when you cook on the stove, Great for BLT sandwiches.

  2. Christopher Keillor
    Christopher Keillor says:

    Recipe for my BMV bacon mushrooms and Bunny fry up some of your bacon chopped up nice and small but size pieces throw in diced chocolate to taste maybe a little bit of garlic mushrooms Central put your rabbit on top of the mushrooms little bit of salt and let everything stew down with a lid on and maybe a pressure cooker could do that I like cast iron simple

  3. Jon’s Travels
    Jon’s Travels says:

    i now realize why other ppl get offended when gordon refers to their country and food like he knows what he’s talking about. i’m sure his foods good but man needs to stop acting like he’s the most cultured man that ever lived. the whiteness really shines through

  4. Don Hagelson
    Don Hagelson says:

    I’ve never understand the fucking obsession with SALT in everything you cook, that’s disgusting.
    I never add salt to anything and I make absolutely delicious dishes
    You can do just fine with parsley or basil, pepper and turmeric and hot sauce in most dishes

  5. Don't Know
    Don't Know says:

    that hashbrown pizza sounds like it'd be in an episode of kitchen nightmares and he talks about how soggy it is because of the eggs and bacon grease or something hahahha. looks fucking amazing though fr.


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