Gordon Ramsay's Pork Butt Sliders

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If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels: http://www.youtube.com/gordonramsay http://www.youtube.com/kitchennightmares

25 replies
  1. MrBingping
    MrBingping says:

    What're ya doing?! If you have to, or even can, slice a pork butt, it's not done yet! When it's done you can slide that shoulder blade right out and it'll just pull apart. I'm sure it tasted great, but another 10 degrees would have taken that butt to proper pulled pork territory

  2. Pensky File
    Pensky File says:

    Pork butt/shoulder:
    Rub with flaked kosher salt 1/2 tsp per pound. Rub into meat until salt dissolves and meat becomes tacky;
    Use the same seasoning he suggests.
    Use the other technique onions down, thyme stock….
    Don't cover cover it after a few hours or until temp reaxhes 140°f/60°c
    (Meat stalls at that temp. Adding the foil helps to get it over the hump add apple juice if you want)


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