Gordon Ramsay's Broccoli Soup Recipe

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Gordon Ramsay cooking a simple and easily prepared, using common ingredients – the perfect meal. MORE GORDON RAMSAY …

41 replies
  1. SamCraig
    SamCraig says:

    This looks like a nice recipe.
    But why does cooking like this have to be so wanky?
    "Oh the goats cheese has a nice texture when you run a hot knife through it".
    "Some walnuts and goats cheese in the middle and pour the soup in".
    Who gives a fuck what it looks like. You'll eat it. It will either taste nice or you won't like it. And it will later come out as shit.

  2. bubblejuiceman
    bubblejuiceman says:

    I've made this soup many times. It's worth doing with fresh broccoli. Once the broccoli starts to change color the soup isn't great. But once you've made it into a soup, it actually lasts quite a while. A week in the fridge is the longest I've had it before finishing and it was still great.

  3. David Kotlarz
    David Kotlarz says:

    Chefs showing you easy recipes are the best ones, why? Because sometimes you don't need half the world in ingredients to create something phenomenal, just your hands and your head.

  4. Trevor Wills
    Trevor Wills says:

    Novice chef here. Tried making this but the soup didn't come out creamy and it didn't look quite as green either. The broccoli didn't puree, instead it was like tiny little crumbles that sank to the bottom of my blender, while the water stood on top. I suspect I used too much water when I blended, but not positive. I love broccoli and try to eat as healthy as I can so this recipe was really exciting to me. Someone let me know what I'm doing wrong please and thanks!

  5. Lisa Edwards
    Lisa Edwards says:

    To veganize this, in place of the cheese, I placed a dollop of hummus on top of the walnuts. Perfecto. You can also drizzle with hummus instead of olive oil. Bon appetite.

  6. Paul Solon
    Paul Solon says:

    Gd method but not great.
    Rather donโ€™t just throw away the stems. Cut them up and simmer them for 45 min or so. Reduce the water/broth from the stems and the water/broth from the bulbs and use that for your liquid when you blend.
    Gives 10% more taste.
    And you donโ€™t waste food as this chef does.


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