Gordon Ramsay Shows How To Make a Stir Fry at Home | Ramsay in 10

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As Gordon continues to #StayHome he’s putting himself to more 10 minute challenges live! This week on Ramsay in 10 Live, he attempted to make a delicious …

50 replies
  1. Krow
    Krow says:

    I legitimately wanted to learn how to make stir fry. I learned a lot of the smaller techniques like cutting peppers and what not. It's also great watching him actually cook. With his skill everything looks so smooth and effortless. On top of that as funny as this is I never feel like the video sidetracks and I was looking for copper and I found gold.

  2. Gen Eric
    Gen Eric says:

    "PAN DOWN, MEG, PAN DOWN!" Meg: "I'M DOWN!" Matilda: "HICK, HICK, HICK." "MATILDA, PLEASE!" Funniest vid of his I've seen. He's much more fun to watch like THIS than his AHOLE persona on his other shows.


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