Gordon LIKES This Untrained Chef's New Recipe | Kitchen Nightmares

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Chef Gordon Ramsay meets a very young and untrained HEAD CHEF at the Hot Potato Cafe. She is unenthusiastic, and he sets out to add some passion into …

21 replies
  1. Mike
    Mike says:

    I understand that Gordon made a lot of money and that his a great Chief, but at the end of the day, he wouldn't last 5 minutes at an Australian BBQ. We don't like wankers like him.

  2. Muhammad Hamzah
    Muhammad Hamzah says:

    I can't believe that a friend asked me "What is so different between Gordon Ramsey and a karen? They are basically the same, right?" after watching Kitchen Nightmare. Like damn, that question is so stupid. I somewhat knew the answer, but that's too complicated to say (maybe because I can't arrange the words to answer it). Is there any simple answer to respond that question?

  3. Andrés64B
    Andrés64B says:

    Why the hell do people care so much about the opinion of this clown? His opinion is absolutely no more valid than anyone else on the face of the planet. Taste is by it's very nature, subjective. He may think this is great. I may think it tastes like dog shit. He may like foie gras with a nice champagne, and I may like chicken nuggets with Coke. Both equally valid. 🤦🏼‍♂️

    Ever heard the old phrase "There's no accounting for taste?" It's absolutely true. There is no objective standard.

  4. Sidney VanDyke II
    Sidney VanDyke II says:

    No fresh potatoes? OMG…I can make soooooo many good potato recipes as a normal person working 40+ hour a week, coming home and cooking dinner. Potatoes are filling and delicious with the proper ingredients.


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