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Just because you are gluten intolerant doesn’t mean you can’t fire up that BBQ and throw some yummy vegan sausages on there!! As requested by so many of …

38 replies
  1. Christine Hier
    Christine Hier says:

    Hey Connie! These look great! I’m still new to my instapot…how could I use pot to steam these? How much water, then sausages atop trivet? How long and what setting? I want to make and can steam on stove, but trying to become more IP friendly.😊 cheers an thanks for all you do and share.

  2. Christine Gitsham
    Christine Gitsham says:

    Connie amazing yet again, will try these, I don’t find seitan all,that good dose t agree with me so this is a great alternative, do you have a recipe so soy sausages Connie, I took you good advice and now use organic soy and it’s great. Thank you for all oh and I also am telling everyone about your channel and recipes, the best.💚

  3. Merryl Azriel
    Merryl Azriel says:

    I make the gluten version of this recipe constantly! Visiting relatives who can't eat gluten or corn. Do you think garbanzo bean flour or brown rice flour would be a good substitue for the corn flour?

  4. Louise Louise
    Louise Louise says:

    I’d love to know if I could freeze these. Could I freeze them before steaming or after steaming? And then let thaw in the fridge and pan fry? Or freeze before steaming and then thaw, steam, pan fry? Thank you!

  5. btapann
    btapann says:

    Connie, You are an amazing cook and such an inspiration to those living a vegan lifestyle and those in the process of transitioning to this lifestyle. Your recipes look delicious and easy to make! I happened to see one of your videos when surfing for vegan recipes and I just loved your posted recipes. I decided to subscribe to your channel. You cook with so much passion and love for yourself, your family, us and importantly saving the animals from such a cruel fate! Looking forward to more of your videos! 👏🏼👩🏻‍🍳🐣🐄🐖🐓🦃🌎

  6. Song Bird
    Song Bird says:

    Hi Connie. These look so good. And I’m excited to give them a try. I cook for my sister as she is an international long haul truck driver. She is never home always on the road and those truckstops just do not have the type of food in them that we eat. My sister is gluten-free I am not, but I really want to make these for her the only thing is. Do these require all the oil. Is that a taste preference? Is it possible that if I cut the oil down they would still work? My sister and I choose not to eat much oil in our diets. Thanks as always for sharing 🙂

  7. NRG Ltwrkr
    NRG Ltwrkr says:

    I love it! Thank you. So glad to see you are pre-wrapping your sausages so that the aluminum doesn't contact your food. 🙂
    There is a great website called that is very informative too for those that are into this. Love that you are teaching us how to forage and prepare free foods from loving Mother Earth! Thank you, thank you!

  8. Joann Lakes
    Joann Lakes says:

    I'm going to a vegan potluck BBQ for Independence Day and you know how vegans can be. We have the no gluten group, the low sodium group, lo/no oil, low glycemic sweeteners only, and let's not forget the no SOS group but at least everyone is vegan. I'm making this recipe! Just a few changes and it will be perfect for the whole gang. I think I'll make them on Monday so they'll be grill ready for Wednesday's festivities.
    I'm switching the maple syrup to date syrup for the lower glycemic spike, reducing the olive oil to 1 tbsp, using my own aged cheese (your recipes,….. I love them) and everything organic. That should mean everyone can come to the table. Bringing fermented kombucha whole grain mustard which should work well with the pineapple and some fermented red cabbage jalapeno sauerkraut to round it out. I love your recipes and your imagination.

  9. Marj B
    Marj B says:

    Wow the presentation is really beautiful you really bring hot dogs to the next level with all the wonderful recipes you posted lately. These sausages seems to hold their shape really well too even without gluten. Plus its all easy to find ingredients too so thats great it gives me other options since lately i cannot find vital wheat gluten in any of the grocery stores around me.

  10. Brooklyn Hudson
    Brooklyn Hudson says:

    OMG, this looks so good! Must try. I've missed you Connie. I have several vids to catch up on. Been filming a movie and in preproduction on another, but I'll get caught up. Hope you're well xx


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