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Gluten Free Cooking Class with home party presentation.

2 replies
  1. Vita Leonis
    Vita Leonis says:

    I was really taken back as you asked "Jess, tell me what's in here?". And the very second he starts talking, you cut him off. Which would make anyone wonder why they would invite you into their home, just to be rudely interrupted. I think you would really benefit from evaluating your communication skills. There is a difference between "leading a conversation" and "dominating it". As well, you said you love making these every single morning. However, you have to ask "should I put all the ice in?". If you actually do that everyday, why would have to ask that? Sit down and review your own videos, and ask yourself these types of questions – I'm positive that it will really help with everyone watching your videos, and your home cooking business overall. Blessings.


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