Gluten free 🫡 #macandcheese #cheesy #glutenfree #foodie #cheese #food #ronismacbar

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25 replies
  1. @courteneysmith2467
    @courteneysmith2467 says:

    This is why I don’t have me and my daughter go places people been rude we have celiac disease and have to eat gluten free we didn’t choose this shit trust me if we could we would but not only it can damage our stomach and small intestines but make us sick to wear we can have very bad bathrrroom issues and more

  2. @colestringer9055
    @colestringer9055 says:

    I know someone who's unable to eat gluten(due to an allergy) but a restaurant didn't take them seriously and they had to be rushed to the hospital. She became bed bound for ages after that. I know you say at the end of the video that you are gluten free. (I obviously don't know if this is by choice or allergy) A lot of people don't take people who are gluten free seriously so videos like this insulting them and complaining about the hassle that goes into accommodating to their dietary needs is harmful. It's good that you have gluten free options on your menu

  3. @eliabrown8435
    @eliabrown8435 says:

    Even with joking, let's not call people with gluten intolerance and dietary restrictions "wimps". Gluten free people still like mac and cheese and it makes you more inclusive

  4. @csgoat968
    @csgoat968 says:

    fast food mac and cheese is the wildest thing i’ve ever heard, it’s literally like $2 to make it at home why do you feel the need to go out and pay $20😂

  5. @oliversmith7322
    @oliversmith7322 says:

    I was abt to go off, I’m not gluten free, in the slightest. But this was really really bad for your marketing…
    Even if your last comment saved you a little, this is extremely disrespectful to a lot of people. I’m not a snowflake, and I’m not personally offended by this at all, but your basically turning away gluten free people by telling them “oh your such a hassle” “it’s so much extra work”
    It’s not at all good for publicity or your business as a whole. Treat all customers well and strive for your business to flourish, not this…

    Do better.

  6. @samcresp5440
    @samcresp5440 says:

    Just be careful when posting videos that insinuate being annoyed or not wanting to follow rules for allergens. If I hadn’t watched til the end I would’ve came away thinking y’all aren’t serious about protocols or taking care of customers with different needs, and that’s a really bad reflection for the business and employee. I understand the joke and whatnot, but again, just be careful. Not everyone watches everything thru

  7. @instridewith_life
    @instridewith_life says:

    Why not just make a bunch of gluten free noodles, now a days there are so many more people who have gluten allergies or sensitivities. I can eat gluten but I have to be careful with how much and how often. It's nice to have the option.


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