Gardening Tips and Tricks LIVE

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Come hang out with Greg & Sheila from Hoss on Sunday, 2/6 @ 6pm EST! They’ll be answering all your gardening questions …

19 replies
  1. Kimberli
    Kimberli says:

    9a zone in california. Planted you red snappers, did well at first then dropped off completely. The two corn we bought from you didn’t work well here either. Maybe because of the hot dry dry conditions here are just too different. Trying different varieties this year. Fingers crossed. 😁

  2. Tannenbaumgirl
    Tannenbaumgirl says:

    Potato farmers don't chit their potatoes….I say chit them if you have time, or if you find they've chitted already right out of the pack, otherwise just plant them…..that's what farmers do.

  3. Tracie Daugherty
    Tracie Daugherty says:

    I wish you could see my peppers, hoss seeds I planted about 6 varieties last spring, dug em up and put in pots in November and still eating fresh peppers. Keeping in small greenhouse under a heat lamp. Our 4” of ice is almost melted here s of FTW TX. Just wish tomatoes did better but the first freeze in dec took em out

  4. FireflyDreams*
    FireflyDreams* says:

    Okay guys you should have added a warning not to drink or eat anything at the 14:00 mark because I just spewed sweet tea all over my computer screen and keyboard. Poor Greg got set up lol. And mama Hoss laughing had me laughing even harder. I just love you guys. Thanks for the great live (even though I missed it) and all the good information.


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