Fun what I ate today 🍠 chickpea naan & pink onion bhaji wrap

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60lbs following the Starch Solution & using the principles of calorie density! I am uploading these …

41 replies
  1. Janine Dance
    Janine Dance says:

    Perhaps you and your mum could speak on diet and losing weight when you’re over fifty. Obviously menopause, slower metabolism, maybe not needing so much food etc makes a difference. That would be great.

  2. Heather
    Heather says:

    Hi Ami, I appreciate all the variety of your content. I often struggle with cooking and staying consistent so I really appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement. We made the no boil pasta last night. We have all your cookbooks but also appreciate your recipe videos so we can see how to make things. Everything you decide to offer we will gratefully receive. I have lost 1.5 stones since April. Slow but steady. Thanks so much. 😊❤️

  3. Karen
    Karen says:

    Hey Ami!

    To echo many of the other comments, please keep making whatever videos you are inspired to make.

    I love your daily what I eat in a day videos sprinkled with any activities you are up to, any insights you have, getting the kids involved if they are around and you want to incorporate them into an episode.

    You’ve done so well at this “naturally” since you started your channel. Just be you! That’s what I think most of us are here for.

    I’m subscribed to multiple Wfpb channels but I don’t watch every episode that is published or even a whole episode. But I’m so drawn to your content and love watching the whole episode.

    Some channels are high quality production with precise filming, lighting, music, chopping, narration, etc and some are showcasing boobs and bums and food. Some have good recipes and the presenters are lovely people but the sound is bad and the speaking bits sound awkward.

    You have a lot of charisma, you are down to earth, very relatable, and your mind is fascinating with the recipe ideas you come up with.

    Not sure if you are feeling burned out with the daily filming of your meals and meal prep. Please don’t push yourself to do something if you need a break. But also don’t compare your channel or content with the other channels. You have found and are filling a niche and I think you will continue to see your channel grow because people are attracted to your genuineness and your amazing creative recipes.

    I’m still not 100% there in my diet but I can honestly say you are having a big influence on me and I am incorporating your recipes into my week and it is making a difference. ❤❤❤

    Although I did buy a bag of frozen green beans over the weekend and shamefully steamed them to eat with your hummus recipe and they weren’t nearly as wonderful as I’m sure they could have been if I cooked them up like you. But green beans went into my body (two bowls) which is a freaking miracle!!! Xx

  4. Claire Singleton
    Claire Singleton says:

    Thanks for sharing as always. So many people out there go on about protein which don’t get me wrong does help you keep full but they don’t mention potatoes which are so satisfying. If I have a jacket potato for lunch I feel full all afternoon. I was wondering if protein is overrated. Would love to know your opinion Ami ❤xxxx

  5. Janine Dance
    Janine Dance says:

    Please talk about what you think about FRUIT! It’s so confusing and controversial. I thought a lot of fruit puts weight on? Do we limit it in the beginning? Do we need to be super active to eat lots of it?

  6. aquabluebabe
    aquabluebabe says:

    Happy to watch whatever you put up Amy, just keep doing what you’re doing! I’d love it if you could put your free recipes up on your site so that those of us who use recipe saver apps like Copy Me That or Paprika etc could add them to our recioe libraries!! 🙏👍🏼❤️

  7. Laurie Ducharme
    Laurie Ducharme says:

    I think it’s been said, but since I watch you nearly daily, I will add my thoughts. First of all, I think you should post whatever you are most interested in! But beyond that, I love watching you just make meals on the run—it is most helpful to me—and not always big recipes . What you pack when you are out for the day is helpful. I find most of what you offer helpful. For me, I get sick of cooking three meals a day and I still find it hard to remember to take food with me when I go out. I love new recipes, but I really appreciate when you just figure something out for a meal without recipes too. I love the grocery haul videos. I love the idea of mixing in more topical stuff/lessons too. I think most helpful to me to just watch you living this life eating this way. Watching you has really helped me normalize this w.o.e. and the casualness of how you cook, assemble meals, pack meals, exercise and grocery shop all is helpful to me. I am the only person I know who eats like this—not eating out etc. Watching you normalizes my own lifestyle and it’s very encouraging and normalizing for me. I love recipes, but I also don’t want only that as I often just need to throw something together without recipes—that is real practical help for me. Pretty much all your tips and videos are helpful as is. In this vid, you almost ate non-50/50 and you stopped and made it right—that is the kind of thing that specifically helps me stay mindful. Anything exercise related is good too. Yeah, normalizing and being so positive about this diet and lifestyle in action is what is working for me. I have done this woe for over two years now, but watching your videos has really re-energized my commitment and love of this lifestyle and I thank you for that!! I love ice cream, but it is a very sweet food and as a diabetic, not something I can have often. And I do not want a ninja ice cream machine—I have so many damn machines in my kitchen as it is! This is me maybe only, but just watching you do you and do this lifestyle is what helps!

  8. wfpb35
    wfpb35 says:

    Ami – I really enjoy your 'what I eat in a day' vids. It's a way for viewers to see things in real life, governed by the clock. That makes it very relatable. You're a trojan – please keep it up! It's always exciting when a new vid of yours uploads! Thank you 🙏 😀 💚🌿🍃🌱

  9. Julie Holmes
    Julie Holmes says:

    I can’t get enough of seeing what you eat in a day. You’ve inspired me to eat more, more healthily, and all of it is food I now crave. Last night I made cauliflower and potato/red lentil curry with the chaat masala and the mung bean wraps. Mind blown! I’ve made the chai ice cream and I’ll be making the sweet potato choc pudding (my fav). I trust you’ll come up with something tasty or inspiring to help when inspiration is low. No pressure then. So grateful for all you share. PS my grandson loves your choc pudding.

  10. S
    S says:

    You’ve mentioned before about doing a budget WIEIAD, would be interesting! Also I would find it helpful if you mentioned more about where you buy your stuff like the chickpeas and silken tofu etc. Even what blender and air fryer you use etc

  11. Emma
    Emma says:

    Hi what ice cream machine do you have please, also I'm finding it really hard to eat loads and drink lots of water and get started with exercise please could you help me out? Thank you love you're videos.


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