Fun What I Ate Today 🍆 Sticky miso roasted aubergine & creamy lemon overnight oats

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60lbs following the Starch Solution & using the principles of calorie density! I am uploading these …

41 replies
  1. MaryAnne C-G
    MaryAnne C-G says:

    Great video! Baked aubergine last summer. When peeling it my hands got very very itchy. I went ahead and made baba ganoush. When I had some the next day my tongue felt awful. I can’t remember exactly the feeling but I determined with some research that I’d become allergic to it. So sad. I used to use slices of aubergine in lasagna instead of noodles. It was soooo good. I haven’t tried it since. 😢

  2. MaryAnne C-G
    MaryAnne C-G says:

    A friend of mine grew up in Guyana. She would take really ripe mangoes, crush the pulp without peeling, cut a hole in the end and sucking out the juice and then eat the pulp! In my younger years, we would roll oranges till very soft. Then do the same as the mango! Yummy!

  3. Amber Sahul
    Amber Sahul says:

    Ami use your instant pot to cook your pumpkin. 10 min on high. Inch of water on bottom, put the whole washed pumpkin on the trivet(metal thing). Pumpkin must be small 😊 Naturally release or manual doesn’t matter. Then remove the pumpkin, cut in half, remove seeds and skin. Simply mash and bam pumpkin purée! Cook on low to remove excess water and next time less time in the ipot😀 Learned this on during the pandemic pumpkin purée shortage. Play around with it. It really does work:)😊

  4. Kefir Heals
    Kefir Heals says:

    What??? No pumpkin puree?? Oh no!. The UK doesn't have canned pumpkin in the canned fruit isle, where the pie fillings are? That is odd. Poor baby. So interesting to learn the differences in item availability. Also, I was surprised to see that the pie pumpkin didn't yield very much puree. What a bummer.

  5. Sandi Fraser
    Sandi Fraser says:

    As I was watching this video this morning, I cracked open my can of pumpkin and made some pumpkin porridge for breakfast. I was hoping that the pumpkin turned out bc canned pumpkin here is over $6.00 a can CDN. Got 2 on sale for $4.99 each. Pumpkins are super cheap this year but not sure about pie pumpkins. Will have to check and try roasting one or two. I put the rest of the pumpkin puree into an ice cube tray and froze for later. Yummy!!!!

  6. Nazeen Iranfar
    Nazeen Iranfar says:

    Loved the video like always 🥰 have to admit half way through I totally forgot that you were going to do ‘all pumpkin’ for this video 😁 Romi is so so sweet and I love watching kids at her age, because they find everything, even the simplest thing like aubergine, so interesting 🥰 only if we could be so excited for the simple things in life 🥰 the aubergine glaze looked delicious and I am definitely giving it a try 😋 thank you Ami for another real and fun video 💗

  7. Layla Darby
    Layla Darby says:

    Mix the pumpkin with chickpeas and banana vanilla freeze for pumpkin ice-cream, I went to my local farmers market today, brought a box of fresh figs and dates , huge bag of grapes and a pumpkin❤, also you eat a lot of soya in one day, becareful and mindful, side effects can be painful heavy periods bad skin ,bloating.

  8. Kay Currie
    Kay Currie says:

    So funny – low standards!!!!!! Love, love your transparency!
    Off the floor!! Many times my mother left whatever out overnight. And picked up something that landed on the floor ✅ Rom Rom is really changing! Wow! So fun watching her! Good video💯


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