Full Episode Fridays: Comfort Zone – 4 Southern Comfort Food Recipes

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Comfort Zone – 4 Southern Comfort Food Recipes – Paula and the Feigenbaum twins are sharing comfort food ideas, including a …

24 replies
  1. Zilda Romero
    Zilda Romero says:

    All the meal look delicious I will try the cabbage soup it have like all the favorite of cabbage rolls never heard of a soup like that I do put cabbage in my vegetable soup thank you so much

  2. sapphireblue222
    sapphireblue222 says:

    I've been watching your channel for awhile now and I can't figure out why you call it "Southern Food", as every dish you've prepared is the same kind of dishes we also prepare here in Michigan.

  3. simcast
    simcast says:

    Paula you seem like a nice person who welcomes people of all races. I know there was a bit of a scandal about some comments you made once, but I don't see you as a bad person. Keep Cooking.


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