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Today we are sharing another full day of budget meals and how we are feeding our family during this time of social isolation! Thanks for watching! #dayinthelife …

31 replies
  1. Rebecca Lee
    Rebecca Lee says:

    My daughter is due to go to her dad’s this weekend. She is older(18) so we generally let her decide. She already told me that she’d just rather stay home(with me). I’d never keep her from her dad but I feel much more comfortable with her staying home.

  2. Bee Gnome
    Bee Gnome says:

    We are in lockdown.Can only leave to get food,meds or care for a family member/pet.Not allowed to have anyone enter our home nor gather in groups of more than two unless you live together.Easter is definitely cancelled.There are over 100 cases in our city and growing.

  3. Angela Miller
    Angela Miller says:

    The diced carrots would have been good In your pasta salad too. I've have never bought that kind of pasta. Will have to try them. Bet it would be good with tuna and mayo mixed in with dill pickle relish. Love tuna and macaroni salad. Mashed potatoes and pinto beans would go good with it. We had meaballs in spaghetti sauce last night with mashed potatoes and green beans. It goes well together. Some of the family sprinkles mozzarella cheese over their meatballs. A fast quick meal and delicious. I buy the Great Value original meatballs. They are very good quality. Glad yiu are enjoying your new house. I think the kids doesn't need to be going back and forth on splittkbg time right now.
    Too risky bringing something back to you all when you don't know where they have been or been around. Hope their dad is the type that likes to cooperate. We live in a SC and have over 300 cases. At least 1 in our area and some pending. Praying that your family doesn't get COVID-19. Stay safe!

  4. Ashley Clash
    Ashley Clash says:

    We have a stay in place order in Indiana, but hubby still has to work and I work 1 night a week in NICU, so i still have to work. We have 18 confirmed cases in our county. Its definitely a scary time. Praying y'all stay safe!

  5. Bobby Jones
    Bobby Jones says:

    Hi everyone tfs your delicious recipe…me and my 2 chihuahuas are in stay at home and probabably lockdown soon….53 cases in Bexar cty Texas….im on Dialysis si im in the high risk bracket.just going to treatment. 3x weekly and grocery store and Doctors appts….Shelves are empty most of the time…my city is 1.5 million people…San Antonio….i have tons of faith and pray for all…sending prayer to you and your family and blessings to all….😆🙌

  6. Yumeka 'Vadam
    Yumeka 'Vadam says:

    The pork looked delicious 👍Its difficult to stock up when your disabled and on a fixed income. Right now I cant walk into the livingroom let alone fight a crowd at the store. 🙏

  7. Erica D
    Erica D says:

    Hello, all! I live near Westchester county, New York (USA). There are a lot of COVID 19 cases in both New Jersey and New York. I live with my dad, his parrots, my frog, and my cat. I had to go to the grocery store today. I washed my hands as soon as I got home. I feel really bad for my sister and her two dogs because they are stuck in a 450 square foot studio apartment in New York City! At least I can sit on the porch, so I am thankful for that. Ciao! Erica

  8. Maleesa Paradis
    Maleesa Paradis says:

    I am ready for dinner and hungry so the bologna sandwich, pasta salad and baked beans sound good to me LOL. We are on day one of in the house in Michigan. My husband and 2 adult sons are out of work also. They all got a go back to work date of April 14th. Already got them do things around the house. This is going to be a long 3 weeks.

  9. Rebekah Jergler
    Rebekah Jergler says:

    Yummy! I need to try those noodles for my pasta salad. I haven’t heard of any confirmed cases in my county but pretty much all around us. As of now, my son is still going to visit his dad. They only live like 3 min away from us. Lol.

  10. Gena White
    Gena White says:

    My husband is so jealous if y'all's new house. We are in quarantine here in SC. We just found out we are out of school through the end of April. As a teacher it is frustrating and sad to not get to see my kids every day. How are your kids doing through this? Any news of Gary staying home?

  11. Brenda Conley
    Brenda Conley says:

    Husband still has to work to pick everyone's trash up so we take temperatures twice a day he changes and showers soon as get home we are home with a stay hone order only going out if we have to kids are in the backyard playing we are spring break this week I honestly dont think we are going back to school this year it's going to get worst for it's better

  12. Tosha Wierenga
    Tosha Wierenga says:

    We live in western part of michigan. We are also on sheltering in place. We have been spending time working together on projects that always seem to be there. We laugh at each other, because we tend to get in each other's way.

  13. McLovin spirit
    McLovin spirit says:

    Okay so I just wanted to say thanks to you I've been trying to order groceries since forever just to replenish something's and I was finally able to and thanks to me watching you and the family always I was able to do a Walmart grocery order and your code saved me money so thanks for that oh and love the new house Congrats

  14. Sarah Jo
    Sarah Jo says:

    I decided to make tonight Goulash night. Just a big pot and have everyone eat what they can with garlic bread and then portion it out for lunches the rest of the week. With everyone home, it should go pretty quick.

  15. Sheila Wilson
    Sheila Wilson says:

    I'm from southern Illinois we have a stay in place order. We just been staying in house. My husband an son have jobs they have to work still. Love your video's an your family Tiffany, thank you for sharing. I look forward every morning watching over cup of coffee. Take care. ♥️


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