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Welcome back friends! Don’t miss another full day of meals around this house full of 7 ON A BUDGET! We hope you enjoy! We are still working on a monthly …

20 replies
  1. shaybob1711
    shaybob1711 says:

    Some tips for any future beef stew that will make it even more yummy…

    1. Sear the meat after coating it in flour. Makes a huge difference in the overall flavor of the dish.

    2. Add celery. If your kids dont like celery chunks (Im the same way) then dice it up super fine and it will almost melt into the sauce and you wont have any slightly crunchy chunks in the stew.

    3. The most important tip of all… if you have it add a few splashes of A1 to the crockpot. Worcestershire works if you dont have A1 but I swear A1 takes beef stew and makes it amazing.

  2. Fab4Gal
    Fab4Gal says:

    Your Strawberry Cobbler looks absolutely delicious! It should be on a magazine cover!
    I bet Blueberries would be good in those pancakes too! Gotta try that!

    Everleigh just makes me chuckle..

  3. Penelope Peppers
    Penelope Peppers says:

    Oh—One more thing….My daughter asked me what I want for Christmas…I told her " An InstaPot like Tiffany on LargeFamilyLove"…..She said "OMG Mom, you watch that show too" !!!! I said " YUP" 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. lemoncrinckles
    lemoncrinckles says:

    You know, Tiffany, your kids are always going to remember how good it was to come home after a long day at school or work and find you there, smiling at them and fixing something good for them to eat. One day they'll call you up and ask, "Mom, how did you make….?"
    What a rich life for a woman; to please God and to love your husband and children. Thanks for sharing, sweetie! (:


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