Full Day of Healthy Family Meals | Easy Low Carb Ideas

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32 replies
  1. Keto Lisa
    Keto Lisa says:

    It’s so funny the boys both look just like daddy and nothing of Mega looks wise…guess Matt’s genetic material is dominant! Lol this is why genetics are so fascinating! Happy new guys!

  2. strokin3s
    strokin3s says:

    You guys are raising a future chef! Theo and the baby boy look a lot alike I think. I enjoy the content and I have started my own keto journey on the 1st, so I am on day 8. I am eating 2 meals a day in a 6 hour window so I fast for 18 hours. I weighed this morning and I am down 13lbs! I am excited to see where my new lifestyle leads! I am also a Michigan fan, I wonder if Harbaugh will return or bolt for the NFL?!

  3. nanabella151
    nanabella151 says:

    Megha, I hear you talking about your bladder… are you having issues? I went through a terrible time back in 2010, with doctors telling me I was going to just have to live with it!!! It was torturous!!! I would love to talk to you about how it got fixed, naturopathically, really! It took some time, but it all went away…

  4. パンちゃんのママ
    パンちゃんのママ says:

    It's funny you say you forget how brown you are until someone points it out or you see a picture. I can totally relate!! 😝 I live in a fairly white area in the Midwest, and I often forget I'm Japanese. Sometimes I see myself in a store window reflection and I'm like, whoa, I look really Asian. 🤣 lol

  5. Josh Mccord
    Josh Mccord says:

    i'm sure you're on top of this, but how is megha going low sodium on keto? don't you lose a lot of it when your water flushes from ketosis? not too worried but i can't really not say something, just in case.

  6. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    Worst reason for a couple to stay together is for kids. You can raise them in separate happy homes better than one miserable one where they grow up thinking parents fighting or not getting along constantly, giving each other the silent treatment or name calling is absolutely normal when it is not. That's old school thinking in my opinion.


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