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Here is a full day of food vlog for our family of seven. I’ll take you along while I do meal prep, and show you my stretch and folds for …

19 replies
  1. @papaapple93
    @papaapple93 says:

    Julie I love watching your meal videos and your Caesar salad is my go to recipe that I enjoy once or twice a week it is always a success and your Caesar dressing is my go to compared to bottle dressing

  2. @mjackson780
    @mjackson780 says:

    I put apples, grapes and walnuts or pecan in my chicken salad. Also on occasion diced celery. I have never tried mustard in my salad though. I will have to give it a try.

  3. @lovebug8720
    @lovebug8720 says:

    We do chicken salad and we put gripes, salt and pepper walnuts. Mayonnaise, a little bit of mustard and s
    Mix it up. You can put chives or onion Purple grapes is what we put in it. We cut them in half. We don't really measure anything. It just depends on how much chicken and then we just mix it and taste it for the salt and pepper and make sure it has enough. And then we just eat it. It's very good


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