Freezer Cooking One for Now One for Later || Large Family Freezer Meals

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Today we are working on filling our freezer with some FREEZER MEALS! Having freezer meals, waiting in the freezer for a night …

25 replies
  1. Helen Henry
    Helen Henry says:

    Love these type of videos where mom's have to plan ahead. My favourite was the beef shells but the brocoli one looked delicious also. Please make more meal prep freezer meals. It's very helpful especially as I've not made there meals before and sometimes get bored of cooking the same things, this was very good inspiration Thank-you 👌 😋 🍽🍲

  2. Betty Blevins
    Betty Blevins says:

    Would love to see more freezer meals, though we are a family of two, one recipe would make four meals and would be nice to fall back on when I don't feel like fixing supper or we have many doctor appointments in one day. I love seeing the kids help in the kitchen. My grandkids are always wanting to help and I find they will eat what they help to make.

  3. If The Creek Don't Rise
    If The Creek Don't Rise says:

    I may have to try the lattice top chicken. Sounds good. Cream of chicken soup around here is about $.50 a can, for the storebrand, which is what I alway buy. I may experiment with making it myself sometime just to see the difference in taste. And an idea for you 😂You could start a game with your kids by making them put a quarter in a jar for every time they say they don’t like some thing, especially if they haven’t tried it yet. It may discourage the negativity of trying something new. Maybe you could make Nathan pay a dollar! LOL

  4. Debbie Bousquet
    Debbie Bousquet says:

    I can't stand Hamburger helper yukkk… it's nasty… heeheehee 🙂 but ur meals ur cookn look yum… nice to b able to take ameal outta the freezer an just throw it I'm the oven…. happy eating y'all….

  5. Kellie Jackson
    Kellie Jackson says:

    Next time just use the same recipe for lasagna. It will be so much easier and less time consuming. You did a good job on your freezer meals. How fun for all of your little helpers!

  6. Lisa DeeDee
    Lisa DeeDee says:

    Congratulations to Jackson and Logan and their proud daddy!! Oh your dinners look so good! Precious little helpers you have! A knife to a jar lid is my trick, too! Hoping little Camden’s ultrasound went well. Still praying for that little adorable every day. Such a fun video, Jessica!!


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